One more Crypto News Summary Bot to strike it rich

EpiK Protocol
EpiK Protocol
Published in
2 min readApr 23, 2022

It’s a never-ending market with an endless stream of digital news.

This week, the price of GMT went up to $3.80 because STEPN released NFT in cooperation with the well-known sports brand ASICS. The reason for this actually emerged very early. As early as 3 weeks ago in March, STEPN’s investment agency revealed news of an upcoming collaboration with a sports brand. How much was the GMT 3 weeks ago? US$0.78.

Some wealth codes can be predictable while others come unannounced. On the 21st of this month, it was suddenly exposed that the platform 0x, which was partnered with Coinbase for NFT, was rising 53% in a few hours. Prior to this, the so-called “most underrated project in DeFi” had been silent for over a year.

The same story is repeated every day.

The information gap is the unbreakable truth in this never-ending market. Whoever has the first-hand information is one step closer to financial freedom.

How to access information in the first place? You need an AI Bot.

EpiK Protocol has released the AI Bot Store online. In the Store, the first AI Bot Crypto News Summary Bot has been/will be available soon.

Crypto News Summary Bot, as the name suggests, is an AI Bot that helps us collect crypto news. With this Bot, we will get first access to most of the crypto media headlines and information summaries. In just 5 minutes a day, you will become the “all-knowing” person in the cryptocurrency world. Naturally, your assets will be grown one step ahead of the others. You, too, will become a model to be followed by others.

Money never sleeps.

If one can only make money within the cognitive range, then expand our cognition; if the information gap is the wealth code in the cryptocurrency world, then by standing firmly in the upper reaches of the information flow, one is standing invincible. If you’re getting tired of earning money, you can also spend your days lying on a yacht doing nothing, just like the Bored Ape. The first thing you would need is to have your own Crypto News Summary Bot.

More new products will be launched in AI Bot Store, so please stay tuned.



EpiK Protocol
EpiK Protocol

The World’s First Decentralized Protocol for AI Data Construction, Storage and Sharing. |