The EPKers’ Guide

EpiK Protocol
EpiK Protocol
Published in
3 min readJul 26, 2021

What’s the EpiK Protocol?

EpiK Protocol is the world’s first decentralized protocol for AI Data construction, storage and sharing. Through the integration of IPFS storage technology, Token incentive mechanism and DAO governance model, it creates a global open autonomous community with four core capabilities of trusted storage, trusted incentives, trusted governance and trusted finance, which organizes global community users to work together at a extremely low management cost, and continuously produce high-quality AI data that can be jointly built and shared. EpiK Protocol believes they can broaden AI’s horizons and usher in the era of the cognitive intelligence.

Why EpiK Protocol?

Please check this article.

Symbol: EPK

Contract: 0xdaf88906ac1de12ba2b1d2f7bfc94e9638ac40c4


Partners: Open Knowledge Foundation, SingularityNET, Ocean Protocol, Chainlink, Tsinghua University, OpenKG, iMerit, OpenSLR, DataUnion, CSAGI

Investors: FBG Capital, JACKDAW Capital, Arcanum Capital, 7 O’clock Capital










Light Whitepaper:

Economy Whitepaper:

Governance Whitepaper:

How to join the EpiK Protocol?

Join as an EPK bounty hunter — Participate in labeling AI data

You can spend about 1 hour daily to participate in labeling data in different AI domains. The more tasks you complete, the higher the EPK rewards. If you answer questions precisely, you will have a chance to win knowledge badges which could be redeemed to NFTs, these NFTs can be used to get EPK airdrop in the future. What’s more, if you invite friends to join as EPK bounty hunters now, you will receive an extra commission of 30% at the first level and 15% at the second level. For details, please download the APP — Knowledge Mainland.

Join as an EPK knowledge node — Participate in storing AI data

You can use your idle storage devices to participate in storing valuable AI data in a decentralized manner. The more data stored, the higher the EPK rewards. If you have a stable public IP address, you can also get an additional reward for providing data download services. Since the EpiK main-net will be launched in the middle of this August, it’s a good time to make your devices ready for the coming main-net Early Bird Rewards. For details, please go to wiki to learn how to set up your devices.

SPECIAL: Join as an EPK domain expert — Participate in managing AI data

If you

- Have proven experience in AI application development

- Have a clear understanding of what kind of data is needed in a specific domain

- Be well known in a specific domain

you can earn a rich reward via leading all bounty hunters to label the valuable data in a specific domain, such as music, medicine, finance, education and so on.

A domain expert may be a knowledgeable or opinion leader in the domain, may also be a team, a company, or even a community. They have four main responsibilities:

- Define the AI data format that needs to be collected in a given domain.

- Collect the formatted data via uploading data via files directly or publish tasks to collect data with the help of bounty hunters.

- Check the quality of collected data.

- Submit the checked data to knowledge nodes in EpiK Protocol network.

Please submit the application to be a domain expert.

Recent News

  • CoinDesk: EpiK Protocol: Calling All AI Data Labeling Domain Experts. Check here.
  • CoinDesk: Decentralized Storage for AI Data Brought to Life by EpiK Protocol. Check here.
  • CoinTelegraph: Upcoming EpiK main-net launch, a distributed storage protocol for AI data. Check here.
  • CoinTelegraph: Ben Goertzel joins EpiK Protocol as an expert advisor. Check here.
  • NewsBTC: EpiK Protocol Enters a Strategic Cooperation Agreement to Jointly Strengthen the Global Knowledge Node Ecosystem With Nexusguard. Check heres.
  • NewsBTC: EpiK Protocol Announces the Completion of US$5 Million Institutional Fundraising. Check here.
  • CoinTelegraph: Healthcare Chain co-developed by Tsinghua and EpiK. Check here.
  • CoinTelegraph: EpiK aims to empower a new infrastructure of cognitive intelligence. Check here.
  • NewsBTC: Knowledge Crowdsourcing Product-Knowledge Mainland Improving the Efficiency of Collaboration Based on Trust. Check here.
  • CoinSpeaker: EpiK Protocol Has Completed Its Strategic Fundraising. Check here.



EpiK Protocol
EpiK Protocol

The World’s First Decentralized Protocol for AI Data Construction, Storage and Sharing. |