Tutorial | How to take advantage of the Domain Experts Full Functionality?

EpiK Protocol
EpiK Protocol
Published in
7 min readDec 19, 2022

This tutorial consists of 7 parts.

  1. Introduction
  2. Define the Data Format
  3. Configure the Task Template Generation Engine
  4. Publish Tasks to Collect Data
  5. Check Data Quality
  6. Submit Verified Data
  7. Authority Management


Login to your EPK Wallet -> Scan the QR code on the website to login to the Admin system.

To better introduce how to utilize it, now let’s take the Translation Domain as an example.

  • Enter the Domain Tag as an identifier. (not repeatable)

If it is your first-time login, you need to write the domain in English. Please check the keywords according to the prompts.

Enter the Domain Tag
  • The overall steps are shown in the figure below
The Overall Steps

Define the Data Format

  1. Define concepts and attributes

Click “1. Define the Data Format” >- “1.1. define concepts and attributes”

Define the data’s concept including the main concept, target concept, etc. If the concept has attributes, you can create attributes, etc.

Define Concepts & Attributes

2. Define the relationships between concepts.

Click “1. Define the Data Format” >- “1.2. define the relationship between concepts”.

Define The Relationship Between Concepts

If there aren’t proper relationships, just add a new relationship.

Add A New Relationship

Configure the Task Template Generation Engine

  1. Configure the concept type.

After defining the concepts and the relationship between concepts, now let’s start configuring the concept type.

Click “2. Configure the Task Template Generation Engine” -> “2.1. configure the data type” -> “Choose Type”.

Configure the Concept Type

2. Configure the task template engine.

  • After completing the above tasks, you can configure the task template generation engine.

Click “2. Configure the Task Template Generation Engine” -> “2.2. configure the task template”.

Configure the Task Template Engine

If the concept has an entity, you can upload entities in excel or manually. After that, click “Next Step — Configure the task templates”

  • Click “Update” in the content column to modify your text to make it easier to understand.
  • For questions involving specialized knowledge, it’s recommended to add a reference link to make it easier for users to find the correct answer.
Add A Reference
  1. If it’s unnecessary for users to get a reference to answer questions, click “No reference required”;
  2. If the user needs to search in the search engine, select the second option.
  3. If the users need to search in the specified site, select the third option and enter the site URL.
  4. If the user needs to search at a specific site, select the fourth option and enter the reference site URL.

The custom variables we support currently are shown in the below chart (The fourth option only).

Custom Variables

Eg: Concept-[Translation], Entity- [ good ]

Reference url setting:https://translate.google.com/?sl=en&tl=zh-CN&text={$vertex_name}&op=translate

The actual reference links users get are as follows: https://translate.google.com/?sl=en&tl=zh-CN&text=good&op=translate

Publish Tasks to Collect Data

  1. Set up the exam to verify bounty hunters.

Click “3. Publish Tasks to Collect Data” -> “3.1 Set up the exam to verify”

On this page, domain experts can design certification questions to filter qualified users. More than 20 certification questions are required, and then the system will randomly select 10 questions for users to answer to start the certification.

There are two ways of certification audit: manual and automatic. In a manual way, the domain experts need to review the answer every time a user submits his answer; in an automatic way, as long as the user’s answer is consistent with the set answer, the users can pass the certification.

2. Upload entities to be collected.

Click “3. Publish Tasks to Collect Data” -> “3. 2 Upload entities to be collected”

This function is the same as “2.2 Upload Entities”, but it supports uploading entities via excel only.

3. Publish tasks based on the task template.

Click “3. Publish Tasks to Collect Data” -> “3.3 publish tasks based on task templates”

Click the “Next Step — Publish tasks” of the concepts to be published, select the tasks to be published and click the “Generate tasks” button. The time to generate tasks depends on the number of entities, the larger the number, the longer the time. Refresh the page to see the current progress of generated tasks according to the Generated Amount/Estimated Amount.

Generate Tasks

After generating the required tasks, click the selection box on the left to publish the tasks.

If you would like to select specific questions to generate tasks, click “View all” to select the questions you need.

Select Specific Questions To Generate A Task

4. Manage published tasks

Click “3. Publish Tasks to Collect Data” -> “3.4 manage published tasks”.

If it’s your first time publishing tasks, you’re supposed to submit a review request.

Submit Review Request

After you request it, the button will turn to “ In Review” and you will need to wait for the review team to review the request.

As it passes, the questions in your published task will be launched on Knowledge Mainland for all bounty hunters to answer.

If you find something wrong, you can click the “Stop” button to stop publishing questions.

Stop Publishing Questions

Check Data Quality

  1. Verify the bounty hunters

Click “4. Check Data Quality” -> “4.1 verify the bounty hunters”.

On this page, you can review the authentication data of users, i.e. the authentication questions set in 3.1.

If you have set up a manual review in 3.1, you need to review manually authentication questions on this page. After passing this authentication, the user can answer the questions about the task you published.

2. Review the quality of collected data

Click “4. Check Data Quality” -> “4.2. review the quality of collected data”.

There are 3 statuses of the collected data: Review Archived Answers, Review Controversial Answers and Review.

For Review Archived Answers: After viewing the labelling user’s answer, most of the remaining users think this answer is correct.

Click “Confirm”, the data will be included in “Reviewed”.

Click “Update” to modify answers and the data will be included in “Reviewed”.

For Review Archived Answers

For Review Controversial Answers: After viewing the labelled user’s answer, the remaining users are also controversial about this answer.

For Review Controversial Answers

If you click “Correct”, the data will be included in “Review Archived Answers”;

If you click “Wrong”, it will ask bounty hunters to relabel on Knowledge Mainland;

If you click “Update”, modify the answers and the data will be included in “Review Archived Answers”.

Fore “Review”: The final confirmed data can only be viewed.

Submit Verified Data

  1. Package new data into files

Click “5. Submit Verified Data” -> “5.1. Package new data into files”

The reviewed data will generate graph database related command statements. After confirming the command statements, you can pack in one click and write them to the file.

2. Register the new files

After the package, click “5 Submit Verified Data -> 5.2. register the new files”.

After generating a list of files, you could find three statuses, including wait, upload and sync.

wait: Insufficient file size, you need to merge and upload the rest of the command statements to the file, or you can force pack.

upload: The files have been uploaded to the server, please wait for sync.

sync: The sync is completed. Now you can register the files.

3. Submit registered files

Click “5. Submit Verified Data” -> “5.3. submit registered files”.

Files that have been registered in 5.2. will be displayed in 5.3. You can choose to download to view the file or upload it to the chain.

Authority Management

Domain experts can assign permission for this domain to others to help with the operation, an EPK Wallet address is required.

Authority Management



EpiK Protocol
EpiK Protocol

The World’s First Decentralized Protocol for AI Data Construction, Storage and Sharing. https://www.epik-protocol.io/ | https://twitter.com/EpikProtocol