$EPIK on PancakeSwap FAQ

EPIK Prime Team
EPIK Prime


The EPIK community asked for it, and EPIK delivered! $EPIK token is now available on PancakeSwap!

Table of Contents & Quick Links:

You can find extensive online information about PancakeSwap, however, this post will focus specifically on frequently asked questions about PancakeSwap and how to use it with Epik Prime Token, $EPIK.

How to get $EPIK on PancakeSwap

  1. You need to have a wallet configured for Binance Smart Chain (BSC) to connect $EPIK to PancakeSwap. You can either use MetaMask (available as browser extension or mobile application) or Trust Wallet (available as mobile application only).

2. To set up Metamask for BSC, you need to:

  • Download MetaMask browser extension for your Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Brave (download the extension here). You can also download it on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store for mobile users. Just follow the steps to install it on your device.
  • Next, follow along with the setup specified by the mobile app or browser extension, then go ahead and click “Create a Wallet.” You must write down the Secret Recovery Phrase in the exact order. You will use this to recover your funds in the event your device gets damaged or is lost.
  • Once done, you should now see your wallet ready to send and receive funds.
  • Now, configure your wallet by adding Binance Smart Chain nodes.

For browser extension:

a. Click the MetaMask browser extension icon on your browser. Then, a pop-up will appear
b. Click your account profile logo.
c. Click Settings.
d. Click Networks.
e. Click Add Network.
f. Fill in the blank fields with the information below:

For Mainnet

Network Name: Smart Chain
New RPC URL: https://bsc-dataseed.binance.org/
ChainID: 56
Symbol: BNB
Block Explorer URL: https://bscscan.com

Note: if you’re interested to add Binance Chain as well, you may view this link.

After filling out the fields, click Save.

For mobile application:

a. Open the MetaMask application and click the 3-line button found at the upper left corner of the screen.
b. A menu will slide in, then click Settings.
c. Click Networks.
d. Click Add Network.
e. Fill in the blank fields with the same information provided above for Mainnet.
f. Click Add.

  • Once you Save the Network and return to the main view, you’ll notice two things: the network has automatically been set to the one you just entered, and the units are no longer denominated in ETH, but in BNB, which looks like the image below.

3. To set up Trust Wallet for BSC, you can refer to this link.

4. You will need BNB in your wallet to cover the transaction fees. Low amounts are sufficient, as the average transaction on BSC does not exceed 0.5 USD.

5. Go to https://pancakeswap.finance/ and click Trade Now.

6. Select the coin you want to trade $EPIK with, and copy-paste EPIK’s address (0x368ce786ea190f32439074e8d22e12ecb718b44c). And then click on Import Token.

7. Or you can go to the direct trading pair and wait for $EPIK to appear. If it does not appear, open Token dialog, then paste the EPIK Contract address (0x368ce786ea190f32439074e8d22e12ecb718b44c).

Note: It is very important to use EPIK’s official contract address: 0x368ce786ea190f32439074e8d22e12ecb718b44c

Never use links or contract addresses from unverified sources

8. Click the Checkbox on the security warning popup.

9. That’s it! You can now swap any token on Binance Smart Chain (supported by PancakeSwap) for $EPIK.

10. To complete your transaction to purchase $EPIK, simply follow the remaining confirmations. Enabled — Swap — Confirm on Metamask.

How to provide Liquidity to $EPIK pools on PancakeSwap and earn trading fees?

  • Providing liquidity on PancakeSwap is a fundamentally rewarding experience that provides you incentives in the form of trading fees when people use your liquidity pool. In this instance, you will be rewarded whenever someone trades $EPIK in the $EPIK-BUSD pool. Whenever someone trades $EPIK on PancakeSwap, the trader pays a 0.25% fee, of which 0.17% is added to the Liquidity Pool of the swap pair they traded on.
  • Adding Liquidity
    To provide liquidity, you’ll need to commit an amount of the specified token pair. Your lowest value (in USD) of the two tokens will be the limit to the liquidity you can provide.
  • To do this, you need to:
  • Go to https://pancakeswap.finance/. Hover your cursor on Trade and a dropdown will appear. Click Liquidity.

2. Once on the Liquidity page, click the Add Liquidity button

3. You will then be redirected to the Add Liquidity page, which looks like the image below.

  • For the top Input, you can select the currency as $EPIK.
    For the bottom input, you can select BUSD.

4. Enter an amount on one of the tokens under “Input”. The other field will automatically calculate the equivalent amount of your input. (If your balance is too low on one pair, enter a lower amount.)

5. Click Enable EPIK. Your wallet will ask you to confirm the action.

6. The Supply button will light up. Click it.

7. A window will appear saying how much you will receive. Click the Confirm Supply button. Your wallet will ask you to confirm the action.

8. After a short wait, you will see your Transaction Submitted. We recommend that you Add Cake-LP Token to your Wallet so that you can see your balance of LP tokens inside your wallet.

You now have EPIK-BUSD LP tokens!!

9. You can repeat the steps above to add more liquidity at any time.

Bridging $EPIK from Ethereum to $EPIK on BSC

If you are an $EPIK holder on Huobi or on MetaMask (or any other Ethereum wallet) you can bridge your ERC20 $EPIK tokens to BEP20 $EPIK tokens by using https://app.chainport.io/.

Direct link to port ERC20 tokens to BEP20 token.

Direct link to port BEP20 tokens to ERC20 token.

This step is required if you wish to use your $EPIK on PancakeSwap (to sell, or stake in the Liquidity Pool).


What is CAKE?

  • CAKE is the native utility token of PancakeSwap and is used for a variety of purposes within the growing landscape. Its main functions are yield farming, staking, participating in the PancakeSwap Lottery, and making and voting on governance proposals through the platform’s community governance portal.

Who are the Liquidity providers?

  • Liquidity providers are the key mechanism for most DEX exchanges including PancakeSwap. Users will lend the platform their cryptocurrency assets for other people to trade with. In return, lenders earn interest and liquidity provider tokens (LPTs) that give access to unique rewards.

What are Liquidity pools?

  • These are a collection of funds (often held in a pairing) that facilitates the trading of specific assets without requiring another person’s involvement.
  • An $EPIK token liquidity pool is available via EPIK-BUSD pairing

What are Yield Farms?

  • PancakeSwap allows users to earn an additional yield by staking supported liquidity provider tokens in one of its numerous yield farms. By participating in a yield farm, users earn a CAKE yield on their LP tokens. This is on top of the yields generated through transaction fees.

    The exact annual percentage yield (APY) though can vary from farm to farm, but can be as high as several hundred percent. Though users will need to factor potential impermanent losses into their overall yield.

What is Impermanent Loss?

  • Impermanent loss happens when you provide liquidity to a liquidity pool, and the price of your deposited assets changes compared to when you deposited them. The bigger this change is, the more you are exposed to impermanent loss. In this case, the loss means less dollar value at the time of withdrawal than at the time of deposit.

    Pools that contain assets that remain in a relatively small price range will be less exposed to impermanent loss.



EPIK Prime Team
EPIK Prime

Epik unlocks digital worlds and enables the sale of premium, name-brand digital items; leading the way for brands to sell to new audiences. 🕹️🎮