Epileptic Gaming — 10 Years Later

Epileptic Gaming
Published in
4 min readMar 14, 2017
The original Epileptic Gaming Logo

Epileptic Gaming is back… sort of!

On November 11th, 2006, myself, Rance Costa, and Hogan ‘kam-RA’ Carter decided to take a podcast which had been running since 2002, Epileptic Gaming, and turn it into a live streamed Video Game Talk Show. What I didn’t know is that that day would change the lives of many forever — myself included.

After 15 weeks of a successful weekly show, broadcasting on the now defunct Stickam, we realized we were on to something and it was mostly due to the amazing community that had formed around Epileptic Gaming. Flash forward 10 years and things aren’t much different. If you look at the incredible communities that broadcasters create around Twitch, it’s not hard to imagine the same thing was taking place 10 years ago thanks to the combination of live video and chat.

Despite the show having not aired for almost 7 years, the Epileptic Gaming community remains strong. Whether it’s from messages we receive on the internet or a friendly reminder at conventions, the Epileptic Gaming community goes out of their way to thank us for the show we created and the community we fostered.

Now I’d love to be able to say, “I’m going to give back to the community by restarting the show”, but that isn’t going to happen anytime soon. However, we wanted to celebrate this 10 year anniversary by doing something special for the Epileptic Gaming community, and hopefully provide a unique resource to others who never got a chance to see the show.

That’s why, thanks to the hard work of many old-school Epileptic Gaming fans, we’ve got a special treat for you.

Beginning March 20th, at 4PM PT on twitch.tv/epilepticgaming, we are going to re-air the entire Epileptic Gaming run on (roughly) the same date it was aired 10 years ago. This will begin with Epileptic Gaming Week #111 until there aren’t any episodes left to show!


Don’t worry! Starting Sunday, March 19th, at 9AM PT, we will marathon all 15 weekly episodes which lead up to the date and time on which Epileptic Gaming became daily.

So why are we doing this?

  • We wanted to celebrate the 10 year anniversary by bringing the community back together. The best way to do that is to reminisce about the crazy days we shared 10 years ago. This will give us a chance to celebrate the Epileptic Gaming community once again by watching the show together, gaming together, and rekindling old relationships.
  • The Epileptic Gaming team feels like this is a super unique opportunity in that each episode will literally be a snapshot into what gaming was like 10 years ago on that day. I can’t say that this has ever been done before, and I’d like to think that we’re making history. Reading facts from 10 years ago is one thing… watching it play out live is another.
  • I wanted people to see how much I’ve personally grown and changed in the past 10 years. This might sound weird, but I think it could be beneficial to see the way my career has evolved. I hope that it will give other broadcasters and streamers hope and inspiration that you can be a loud mouthed PlayStation fanboy and it won’t hurt or affect your career.
  • We’re also going to provide a few more surprises to the community along the way! Stay tuned for more info on where you can get that Epileptic Gaming t-shirt you never got a chance to wear, companion shows with old cast members, and the return of EG Nights.

But the most important reason… is because of what the show means to me and the members of the community. If it wasn’t for Epileptic Gaming, I wouldn’t be in the place that I’m in now. Whether we realized it or not, we were breaking new ground in digital media, and it was Epileptic Gaming going video that allowed me to grow in this space and ultimately take on the role that I now have at Twitch. Still today I share memories and friendships with many people from the Epileptic Gaming community, and I’m excited to experience the show from a different perspective — as a viewer.

This has been a fairly emotional project. It’s very difficult to put into words what Epileptic Gaming means to me. Epileptic Gaming is friendship, freedom, creativity, inspiration, community, and passion. I cannot thank the people who have helped make this happen enough. Lots of hard work went into this, and I need to make sure to give extra thanks to EyeQueue (Justin Meader) who took my vision for this project, realized I could never do it on my own, and took charge. He has leaned on many recognizable names in the EG Universe to accomplish this, and his hard work will be enjoyed by everyone. Thank you Justin!

Many EG fans have already asked, “How can I help?” The biggest way you can help is by making sure you spread the word. Let other Epileptic Gaming fans know this is happening and that we would love to celebrate with as many fans as possible!

I hope that you’ll join us March 19th, at 9AM PT for the kick off of the EG Weekly Marathon, and then I hope to see you in /epilepticgaming at 4PM PT everyday to BUILD FOR CHINA.


  • Channel: twitch.tv/epilepticgaming
  • March 19th @ 9AM PT — The EG Weekly Marathon (Episodes #96–110) will air back to back
  • March 20th — Onward @ 4PM PT — Epileptic Gaming Daily Marathon airs, with each show playing on the same day it played 10 years ago

For updates, please follow us on Twitter
@epilepticgaming @djwheat @justinmeader

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Like the Official Epileptic Gaming Facebook Page

And of course, follow the Epileptic Gaming channel on Twitch



Epileptic Gaming

Esports, Livestreaming, and Game Industry pioneer. Passion is my superpower. Formerly Twitch founding team & currently VP, Community Development at Fortis Games