How Epilert’s bracelet is changing epilepsy patients’ lives

Imen Ajroud
Published in
5 min readSep 7, 2020

More than 50 million people worldwide have epilepsy according to the World Health Organization. Despite this astonishing number of epilepsy patients all over the world, this neurological disease is still suffering from a lack of awareness which makes the battle against epilepsy tough not only for patients but also for their entourage.

Moreover, even though medical science has been evolving over the last decades, physicians still don’t know that much about epilepsy. What causes epilepsy? How to early diagnose epilepsy? Is it possible to completely cure of epilepsy? How to live a fulfilled life despite epilepsy seizures occurrence? So many questions are still without a full and complete answer.

Living with the constant fear of having a seizure is mentally tiring. Patients can suffer from severe injuries if they are not assisted during a seizure, and from complex health issues due to the side effects of epilepsy treatments.

Therefore, Epilert has been created, with one unique purpose: change epilepsy patients’ lives, reduce seizures occurrence, and empower epilepsy patients.

1. A lifeguarding device on patients’ wrists

Seizures’ unpredictable occurrence is depriving millions of epilepsy patients of fully enjoying their lives. They may renounce to some of their favorite activities to avoid getting hurt in case of seizure and find themselves without any assistance. Epilert’s main mission is to empower epilepsy patients by giving them the freedom to do whatever activity they like while ensuring their safety. With Epilert’s bracelet on their wrist, patients are sure that in case of a seizure the device will detect it and immediately sends an alert to their family members and friends of their choice, through an SMS and a phone call. The SMS will include patients’ geolocation; therefore, they can get the assistance they need wherever they are.

2. A powerful bracelet able to detect unpredictable seizures

Living in a digitalized and fast-growing world has indeed several perks and having unlimited access to technology is one of them. Focusing on technology and innovation gave us the chance to shine in this world. After years of R&D, Epilert team has developed a bracelet with 5 biosensors capable of finely detecting epilepsy seizures with the aim to ease several epilepsy patients’ lives.

5 sensors gathered in one unique bracelet ready and able to track all unstable vital signs. Using an artificial intelligence system, the bracelet is capable of rapidly analyzing these vital signs and detecting up to three types of seizures: Tonic seizure, clonic seizure, and tonic-clonic seizure. The EDA sensor (able to detect any changes in the skin conductance), skin temperature sensor, PPG sensor ( measures heartbeats), Gyroscope (measures orientation and angular velocity), and an accelerometer (measures proper acceleration) all these captors along with machine learning would save many of epilepsy patients ‘lives by detecting seizures and immediately alert caregivers.

3. Your mental health is Epilert’s top priority

Epilepsy is more than physical, it’s an emotional and social battle too! Controlling the stress level is not an easy task for epilepsy patients. Seizures unpredictability, treatments’ side effects, and social stigma and so many other factors are exerting continuous pressure on them and preventing them from maintaining a normal and stable lifestyle. Just the fact of imagining oneself having a sudden seizure in the middle of an important business meeting or when nursing one’s baby is drowning and mentally tiring.

To help patients monitor their stress level, Epilert bracelet ensures a real-time notification if any suspected variation of vital signs occurs. Heartbeats and skin temperature are tracked, neurological activities are daily monitored for a better understanding of patients’ health conditions. Shortly, Epilert is not only offering a simple bracelet but providing a strong wearable weapon that is able to give epilepsy patients more control over their lives.

4. Smart and fashionable: That’s Epilert’s bracelet

Wearing a medical device can make some patients feel uncomfortable in certain circumstances. Epilert design has been conceived to be as discrete as possible. It’s refined and elegant design makes it a beautiful accessory to wear on all occasions without necessarily being noticed as a medical device.

You may be wondering, what about kids? Well, Epilert has an adjustable belt +/- 40mm to fit all sizes, kids, and adults. Kids can be very cruel to each other especially at an early age. In fact, children suffering from epilepsy can be victims of very mean mockeries from their peers. Epilert gives to little epilepsy patients the possibility to personalize their belt. They can have their favorite superhero on it or any pattern of their choice. This way kids feel comfortable wearing a cool accessory that would keep them safe.

5. Your doctor is with you wherever you go

What’s better than having a responsive physician who’s able to monitor your daily routine?

Thanks to Epilert medical doctors will monitor patients’ daily activities and seizure records from their own Epidoc platform. From dietary planning, physical and sleeping activities, alcohol and tobacco consumption, to medication intake and seizures records, Epidoc offers a wealth of information available right on their computer. Epidoc dashboard is a great data visualization tool made especially for medical doctors through which they can have access to charts and graphics to easily monitor the variation of their patients’ health condition.

Epilert has understood the power of wearable devices in changing healthcare and contributing to better diagnosis. Giving access to medical doctors to a more accurate feed of detailed information will help them to enhance their diagnostic accuracy and enables a more personalized treatment. Thanks to such healthcare wearable devices we can integrate more feedback loops into medicine so doctors would have the opportunity to learn and do better

6. Every day, another insight

Start the day with confidence, with your Epilert’s bracelet. Epilepsy patients have also access to a set of information through their smartphones thanks to a specific mobile app. A big part of epilepsy treatment is maintaining a balanced lifestyle and respecting some rules such as medication intake time, sleeping time…

Patients mobile app includes several tools that help them monitor their daily life and stick to doctor’s recommendations. A reminder for medication intake and sleeping time, a calendar to never miss any doctor’s appointment, a dietary and physical activity planning, and many other features are available on patients’ smartphones for perfect monitoring of their disease. Good monitoring of all of these aspects would significantly reduce seizures occurrence and contribute to epilepsy stability.

So, if you have epilepsy give yourself the care you deserve, order your bracelet now.

Everything starts with a simple click on Epilert’s website:

