Empower your technical sales teams with epiphani playbooks

Published in
3 min readSep 2, 2020

Sales cycles for technology products, especially to enterprises, are often long-drawn-out. Involving a cycle of briefing potential customers, demos, more briefings and again more demos. Demos often make-or-break the deal; making them super critical.

Likewise, in webinars, live streaming talks and trade shows, demos can capture the audiences attention, drive home your hallmark features and create a lasting impression.

How long would it take to write automation that launches VPCs in AWS and GCP, launches VMs, configures firewalls, and sets up a multi-cloud VPN to enable seamless connectivity ?

It is no surprise that a tremendous amount of effort and expense is involved in ensuring sales teams have access to successful, easy-to-operate and repeatable demos. Anything that enables people on the field to run (and re-run) such technical demos with 100% success is worth looking into.

Epiphani playbooks provide a reliable way to bring up complex infrastructure and environments you need to design impressive demos. Let’s take a look at a multi-cloud setup that we need for a demo.

Our goal is to bring up the AWS and GCP VPCs, launch VMs in them, and have them talk over a multi-cloud VPN. Note that this is not just setting up connectivity, it is launching the VPCs, VMs and the VPN!

We have a sample playbook ‘Create Multicloud’ that does just that — which you can easily customize, extend or just take parts of it to build your own demo setups.

Multi-cloud playbook available at http://alpha.epiphani.ai

Navigate over the https://alpha.epiphani.ai to run and see this setup come to life from scratch, in just a couple of minutes. While we would appreciate you registering, it is optional and you can run our sample playbooks by using the anonymous login link at the same URL. To learn more about how to run this sample playbook, and also build your own, make sure you check out our documentation.

The really amazing part is that your sales teams can launch your playbooks with just a click to “Run” the playbook. If they prefer to same launch via Slack, that’s easily possible as well.

Not only do we have a sample playbook to launch these setup, but it can be torn down and terminated with a click using the ‘Delete Multicloud playbook.

But what about your existing automation, maybe ansible scripts, that attempt to bring up such setups. You may find this article really interesting — Use epiphani to Share and Execute your Ansible Playbooks easily on Slack.

Feel free to write to us at feedback@epiphani.ai to get in touch and talk about your use cases.

Happy Playbooking!

