Pay Attention to Compliments

Epiphanies & Life
Published in
4 min readNov 23, 2023


Photo by Joonas Sild on Unsplash

For some years now, I have been in a process of self-evaluation, reflecting on myself and the decisions I have made in my life, especially those related to my professional life.

At the age of 14, I decided to study accounting, motivated solely by the idea of finding quick employment. It seemed like a job with high demand and easy placement at that time. The fact that neighbors and acquaintances had studied something similar helped, so it seemed like a sensible decision.

However, as I studied, I didn’t develop a special fondness for the subject.

Fortunately, and according to my plans, this profession later allowed me to find employment relatively quickly, and yes, I could financially survive thanks to this choice.

But even so, I found that there was a void within me.

The tasks did not satisfy me, nor did the inherent obligations of the profession. Day after day, I became more dissatisfied and questioned even more why I had made that decision.

I reflect, and I can only see quite valid and commendable arguments, especially considering that I was a teenager without guidance when making that decision. So, in that sense, let’s say, I feel proud.

However, when you have some aspects of your life “sorted out” financially, you want to achieve something more, and that is professional satisfaction.

I have started different paths and tried to reconcile my profession with other areas where I can use my creativity more. I have found that I have enjoyed many things on this journey.

I like decorating, designing and writing. I also like delving deep into what makes someone think and feel a certain way. I like reading and watching stories that intrigue me and make me analyze and think about the implicit reasons.

None of that was an option for me in adolescence because, at that time, my need was focused on surviving.

I have discovered that none of my natural preferences seem to be related to accounting or anything remotely similar. Going further back in my memories, I have discovered other things.

I was 12 years old when I wrote my first essay. I remember it well because it was a class assignment. When asked to write an essay, I asked, “What is an essay?” The teacher said, “It is a piece where you express your opinion about something.” I said, “Perfect, I have an opinion, and I will write about love.”

I don’t remember my lines, but I do remember the title. It was called “Love, a Fictitious Feeling” (I suppose now, looking back, that something hurt me at that moment, and I expressed it in my writing).

Upon reviewing the essay, my teacher seemed amazed and said he would do his best to publish it in a newspaper. I didn’t pay much attention; later, I forgot about it. Days later, at a parent-teacher meeting, the teacher sought out my dad to say, “This girl likes literature, you should buy her more books.” However, neither my dad nor I paid attention.

In my career as an accountant, I have had to write about different topics, emails, arguments, response letters, and I have received positive feedback from colleagues about my writing style and ability. Still, I haven’t paid attention.

I don’t write this to boast. Of course, I am far from calling myself a writer, and I don’t believe I am above average, especially in this talented community. However, the reason for this writing is to focus on the fact that..

I never paid attention to compliments.

Not when I was a child, nor in all these years. I never believed that it could be something I could exploit, even more so when it has been something I enjoy doing.

What would have changed if at some point I had stopped and paid attention, and if, perhaps, many years ago I had started writing or training for it?

I don’t want to regret; it’s just a “what if?” I cannot ignore that my professional decision in adolescence was crucial to move forward and get a job that allowed me to eat. In that sense, I must say, I made the right choice.

Today, I am not only exploring writing, but I am also exploring design and fostering my creative side even more. I want to give myself the opportunity to explore other paths that, for some reason, those around me valued more than I did.

I just want to write this so that, next time, you pay more attention to compliments.

Thanks so much for reading.



Epiphanies & Life

I tell stories of me and a friend of mine. WARNING!: Not all of my stories show my best version. Not all of them are politically correct.