Preparing For Christmas, But Not In That Way

Epiphanies & Life
Published in
2 min readNov 10, 2023
Photo by Kieran White on Unsplash

Christmas is around the corner and you can already feel it in the air, stores with Christmas decorations and Christmas songs make you know that it is really near.

For some it means being around family, dinners, gifts and celebration, stories, games and laughs, everything is perfect, or, it is expected to be that way, that is what movies have told me.

For some, it does not have anything to do with gathering with people, it means, staying at home, doing what they normally do the rest of the 364 days of the year. But, what I wonder is, What is it about Christmas that you feel pain about being alone?, I guess It is not just because of the date, but, it’s the feeling of being certainly alone at the time everybody else is spending the date with their loved ones, so, you have to ask yourself, Where are your loved ones? Why aren’t they here?

That is the question, and the answer is: “I don’t know”, or, I’d say, It’s more complicated than that.

For some of us, for any or every reason, the Christmas vibe is maybe just as painful as grieving, it is a reminder of bad luck or just of your own incapability in life, or maybe both.

For some of us, there is this time called Christmas that makes us want to look the other way, bury our heads under the pillow or get in something that takes you to a different place.

Saying “happy Christmas” connotes an expectation, a “must be” for things, you have to be happy, if not, Why are not you happy?. Instead of that, from now and on, I will leave everybody else free of attachments, conditions and expectations. You will be happy just if you want, just if you can, because having a happy Christmas for some of us is not just as easy.

Whichever you are, I just wish you an accomplished Christmas.



Epiphanies & Life

I tell stories of me and a friend of mine. WARNING!: Not all of my stories show my best version. Not all of them are politically correct.