Episode 1 GTM Series By Siobhan Clarke

Episode 1
Episode 1 Ventures
Published in
2 min readOct 30, 2018


I joined Episode 1 in October 2017 as a Partner and a Go to Market Expert (GTM). So that means assessing, discussing, creating and refining GTM every single day with early stage software startups. I’m obsessed. Obsessed with the customer, with working with our Portfolio companies on their customer obsession and on getting underneath the surface of what challenges software startups are actually solving for their customers.

We’ve curated a series of blogs focusing on the Seed to Series A step of GTM and share what it means to be obsessed with customers. The blogs can all be found on our site, along with insightful theme pieces, VC insights and a little of us.

Here are the links to the GTM focused ones:

INTRO — Why we’re all in Sales

GTM I- The Detail: What are the individual areas we should think about?

GTM II — Playful Customer Dynamics: Connecting with customers

GTM III — What doing it correctly actually looks and feels like?

GTM IV — What tools should we use and where can I access advice?

Coming next:

GTM V — Pitching to VCs — What to tell us about your customers.

We do more than just blogs of course — after all the writing of theory is easy. We work with our portfolio companies at a deeper level on an accelerated approach to crafting a properly and considered GTM that delivers results. Working with a wider ecosystem of expert partners and existing expertise within the Portfolio Companies, we’re embedding customer culture into the heart of success for start-ups.

We’re always learning. After all customers are people and we all grow together.



Episode 1
Episode 1 Ventures

We are a seed stage Venture Capital fund, investing in early stage software companies in the UK, passionate about the technologies and the ideas!