
We once live in the ere of Blackberry technology. At that time, everyone would here the story of it and even would have each. First thing first we have to know what is BlackBerry, when they are created also the innovation itself. As we know, it is a smartphone that created by one of the Canadian company named BlackBerry Limited and it formerly Research in Motion (RIM). RIM also a nickname for BlackBerry and for sure it was equipped with the RIM device included the RIM BlackBerry Message Center. However, some of the RIM device does not had desktop synchronization. BlackBerry was an active device in which participated in wireless push technology as other did. In 1985, the company was founded by Mike Lazardis and Douglas Freign and at that moment the company used Research in Motion Limited (RIM). It was changed in 2013 to BlackBerry.

I would share to you about some of the flow of innovation. Let’s take a look. Firstly, the Operating System in the BlackBerry itself. Same goes to others, BlackBerry also has variety features and capabilities such as it can synchronize the appointments and contacts using the Microsoft Outlook. It also secured to save sensitive information as it was a password keeper program. We move to the wireless security. BlackBerry is using the most secure method to encrypt by using AES Algorithm. AES main function is to protect the important and critical information of the user. The user might be insert the banking passwords, special PINs and many more. One of capabilities that BlackBerry owns is creating password authentication mandatory.

Here the roughly history of the BlackBerry:

· 1984: Research in Motion or known as RIM was founded in University of Waterloo engineering student. After that, many introduction was introduced includes DigiSync.

· 1997: The first products of BlackBerry were announced and it started with OEM Radio Modem.

· 1998: After developing few products in two years, BlackBerry created its’ own partnership and alliances such as with BellSouth Wireless Data. It received many awards from these two years.

· 2002: The quantity and quality products increased and it got many followers and subscribers.

· 2007: Being most valuable company on TSX and the market capitalization was $67 Billion.

· 2009: App World being launched by BlackBerry to compete with Apple’s App Store.

· 2013: BlackBerry announced was laying off and had focus on enterprise only.

Last but not least, I will explain more about the fall of the BlackBerry itself. As we know, BlackBerry had achieved many awards and created many new products. Those are some reasons of rising of BlackBerry. However, here we want to focus on how and the factors that affected it achievement. There are few reasons that I have read and made some research on it.

1. Slow in following market changes.

As a technology product, BlackBerry needs to follow the era of the technology. For example, when every product has used or installed Android Oreo, so same goes to BlackBerry. Maybe the CEOs of BlackBerry was very comfortable with the current position be at top in many years.

2. Bad designs.

BlackBerry refused to follow the customer’s requirements such as supposedly our smartphone need to have a smooth angle at the end, but BlackBerry want to create smartphone in square-shaped not as others.

3. The rise of Apple.

All of us know that Apple made people overwhelmed on it included the iPad, iPhone etc. Apple exploded during the rise of BlackBerry but Apple won customer heart.

4. Corporate slowdown.

One thing happened in BlackBerry was it never renewed the contracts instead of use the old or last year technology.

