Jonathan Abrams is a profitable agent and designer of sites, for example, socializer, FRIENDSTER, and Hotlinks. He is likewise the organizer and CEO of Nuzzel and a prime supporter and overseeing accomplice of Founders Den. The establishment of the person to person communication site Friendster, which can without much of a stretch get the greatest reaction, demonstrate the terrible most exceedingly awful. From the earliest starting point the organization confronted a ton of specialized issues and furthermore attempted to give their site. Nonetheless, Jonathan Abrams still contends that despite the fact that Friendster was not ready to be the hit he figured it would, regardless it left a decent effect on his life in general.


In 2002, was the time of the beginning of an idea that a great many people didn’t think a lot about and today those equivalent individuals can’t appear to be live without it; this developmental idea was interpersonal interaction. Friendster was eaten as a long range informal communication site on that time. It was one of the principal long range informal communication sites that author by Jonathan Abrams and certainly the best on that time. While, Websites like Myspace, HI5, and Orkut were all in a similar race, contending to be the ruler of the informal organization yet none would end up one. Friendster with the principle reason for existing was to give chances to individuals to make new companions and to keep in contact with old ones. It additionally enabled clients to speak with different individuals, find new occasions and brands, share media and individual data, and to discover new interests.

In 2003, Google offered $30 million to recover it when Friendster was at its peak and it had over than tens a large number of enrolled clients. Be that as it may, after its truly accomplish, it immediately started to tumble off. Also, this progressive decrease unavoidably turned into the explanation behind its fall. By 2006, Friendster had lost the vast majority of its prevalence in the US and the greater part of its clients were from Southeast Asia. The fundamental target that was making individuals meet new companion are ineffective in light of the fact that, a large portion of the client were just companions with their ongoing relatives and companion. Yet, despite everything it had fewest clients from that locale until 2009, however the bond associating them to the brand wasn’t that solid.

Friendster was declared that the online life was gotten by one of Asia’s biggest web organizations MOL Global for $26.4 million of every 2009. A Couple of years after the fact it changed from long range interpersonal communication site to social gaming site and stopped client’s s accounts. In 2015, the administrations of Friendster and its site was shut. These is on the grounds that, in 2004 the challenge got fiercer for the dominant lord of long range interpersonal communication around then, Friendster, with the foundation of Facebook.

After the establishment of Facebook, everything got ugly for Friendster. In spite of the fact that the individuals behind Friendster thought about this new player in the field, they didn’t see it as an immediate danger and thusly didn’t exactly figure out how to keep up and contend with the tenderfoot. Obviously, at last, it was Facebook who took the triumphant title and eventually changed our long range interpersonal communication practices and culture.

The story behind Friendster is a dismal one. The organization went from being the top long range informal communication site, dropping to second-level and inevitably getting totally lost in the shadows of greater and better locales like Facebook. The individuals behind Friendster attempted to rescue what was left of their site. This all occurred after around 7 years after its establishing without progress. The organization attempted to change Friendster from a person to person communication site to a social gaming stage. In spite of the fact that they got some energy to start with and you could state that they looked encouraging, it was insufficient force for them to seek after their goals moreover. They have since stopped all activities.


Friendster was changed from a communication site to a social gaming stage in 2011. Its primary center was presently change from associating to diversion. The past records of its clients stayed unaltered however the client data, for example, pictures was expelled. Friendster possessed given some energy for their clients to back up their information before totally expelling it. To start with, everything seemed promising however this didn’t carry on for long as it was shut inside a period of two or three years.


Friendster stopped to exist in 2015 after a long online vocation. Everybody could see that from miles out that, the main way Friendster was going was down. What started as a leap forward long range interpersonal communication site, and later purchased by MOL Global and after that changed into a gaming stage was at last fruitless. The fall of the Friendster was not unexpected by any stretch of the imagination. Furthermore, down it went.


Therefore, over the previous decade have many individuals examined the explanation of the come up short and the tumble down of Friendster. The hypothesis it appeared, was that it needed to confront serious specialized issues and financial specialists didn’t assist much in finding the applicable answer for these issues. In any case, the originator of Friendster’s Jonathan Abrams is still in the matter of long range informal communication despite the fact that we as a whole realize that the brilliant adventure of Friendster is finished.

