In this fast-paced era has increased the use of technology as our country moves forward. In this regard, more skilled workers have sought to create the simplest form of technology design and development of basic tools. Through the use of Technology can be a guide to knowledge of technique and process methods, or they can be incorporated into machines to enable operation without detailed knowledge of how they work. In fact, it is better to use this technology for the benefit of humanity. It is clear that the development and use of basic tools that utilize technology management can also be defined as integrated planning, optimization, product operation and control, technology processes and services facilitating human activities.

First and foremost, one of the companies that has the advantage of everyday life is the General Motors Company. General Motors Corporation before 2009, as known as GM is a US multinational automotive company. General Motors Headquarters is located in Detroit, Michigan, and is one of the largest car manufacturers in the world with unit sales.

It was originally founded starting September 27, 1908 in Flint. One of the Michigan states led by William C Durant. In 1909 Durant brought several people from Cadillac, Elmore, Oakland to manage general motors. At the same time, General Motors Has Acquired Reliance Motor Truck Company Owosso, Michigan. By 1910 Durant had lost control of GM due to debt. After the incident, Durant started a second Chevrolet company and secretly bought GM’s stake.

As stated by General Motors It has led the sale of this global vehicle for 77 consecutive years from 1931 to 2007 and has taken longer than any other car manufacturer, and is currently the largest car manufacturer in the world based on US unit sales figures exceeding US values.


History first, as the founding member of the Durant-Dort William C Carrier Company, Buick Motors Company 1904 is the lead of James H. Whiting’s business partner who looks at the benefits of having the company. Although Durant-Dort C William did not really like the car, his friend James H. Whitening persuaded him to buy the Buick Motor Company. Durant Dort William C firm purchased the company and initially won the title as the leading horse car manufacturer in the United States in 1900. The two signed a 15-year deal for the Buick engine with McLaughlin’s Motor Car Company owner while Durant formed General Motors Company with partners Charles Stewart Mott and Sam McLaughlin.

After Durant bought the company, Durant entered the automotive industry the following year, but initially, the Chevrolet Motor Company was founded by Durant with the Swiss driver Louis Chevrolet together before Louis left the company in 1915. GM reinvested in Detroit as General Motors Corporation in the year 1916 and a year later the Chevrolet Motor Company succeeded that Durant, with the support of McLaughlin and Pierre S. Du Pont, recaptured GM. However, the Chevrolet Motor Company was finally incorporated into GM on May 2, 1918 due to economic uncertainty. This is because just two years later Du Pont reorganized Durant’s management, replacing Alfred P. Sloan as the new founder of General Motors.

The restructuring led to the replacement of the former company acquired by Alfred P. Sloan. The new method, introduced by Alfred P. Sloan, introduced an annual style change that made the previous year’s model “dated.” He also implemented pricing strategies used by all car companies today. This pricing strategy works when Chevrolet, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Buick and Cadillac are set at the lowest price so more people can buy a car.

Through the results of the previous year that led to the sales in 1962 showing the firm’s reputation, General Motors President Charlie Wilson said that — “What is good for General Motors is good for America”. The slogan caused their industry to gain prominence as they produced products other than cars and trucks. Other products are Airplanes (North American Flights), and construction equipment (Terex) and Trend (Electro-Motive), equipment (Frigidaire)


General Motors has had a glorious time following the global recession on December 12, 2008. General Motors says it is running out of money, and may have been paralyzed in 2009. Thus, it was clear on December 18, 2008, a US President Bush announced an alternative to General Motors by approving a warranty scheme under which General Motors and Chrysler Cerberus owned by Chrysler LLC. $ 13.4 billion in aid.

The string of previous incidents resumed in February 2009, in which Saab’s subsidiary filed a bankruptcy protection claim in Sweden on March 29, 2009. Obama’s automotive. Continuing on March 30, 2009, President Barack Obama, holding the national leadership, said that GM and Chrysler would be in the middle of bankruptcy if it didn’t help immediately. So on March 31, 2009, President Barack Obama gave GM an additional 60 days to restructure the company. In this way, GM’s new CEO is Fritz Henderson. On April 22, 2009 On April 24, 2009, GM announced that they had ‘fought’ to produce the Pontiac brand car. Among them are Buick, Cadillac, Chevrolet and GMC at the same time.

Following its initial filing on June 8, 2009. There is a Problem Asset Assistance Program highlighted by the US Treasury when it invests $ 49.5 billion in General Motors. The investment raised $ 39 billion but General Motors sold its shares on December 9, 2013 causing a loss of $ 10.3 billion. This in turn, suggests that the treasury is investing higher value into former GM financing companies, until the new General Motors name is known by General Motors Acceptance Corporation as known as (GMAC) led by Ally Finance. Finally, Shares in Ally were also sold on December 18, 2014. That’s how the history of the general motor works.

As a conclusion, modern technology management and services actually facilitate human activity. However, the advancements that have taken place have led to old technology being exposed. This is due to a lack of materials and finances and skilled by labour in ancient times. Just like the power of General Motors element.

