Photo by Charles 🇵🇭 on Unsplash

Google is the one of the most competent company in the world. Google is named after the mathematical term ‘googol’ that defined as the value represented by a one followed by 100 zeros. Through the work performed by Google Company, the world has been able to experience evolution. Google was founded in 1998 by Larry Page and Sergey Brin when they were student in Stanford University. Google was fully established and the founders reposition Google’s headquarters to Mountain View, California. Since then, Google has grown rapidly.

Google company has the largest market share of the search engine and its leading internet search engine, its primary service is offering consumers targeted search results which is selected from more than 8 billion web pages. Google deals with operating systems, hardware and software products. However, the main source of revenue for Google is the online advertising business which is Google does an online business of selling and delivering products and services in more than 50 countries.

The main products and service is Google search engine. Google provides video entertainment services. The consumers need subscribe with Google to access digital television services. This company also has acquired and collaborated with many other technological companies to offer an infinite number of products and services. Besides, Google also represent the best products ever such a Google maps, Android, Youtube, Chrome, Google docs, Google translate and so on.

In their management, Google uses a functional structure, which is the top management team focuses on employing value-chain activity (Gibbs 2013). To ease management of the operations, Google’s management team has divided into five department such as, engineering department, sales department, finance department, legal office, and products and services.

In addition to the success of Google companies, there are also failures. However, not many are exposed to the failure of this company, because the failure of the Google company is among their products. There are more than 50 products by Google have failed. Example of the failed Google product is Google wave, Google Orkut , Google Hangouts and air, Google Buzz, Dodgeball and so many more. The failures happen not because of googlers are lazy or incompetent, they must be hardworking and committed.

The factors contributing to the failure of the Google’s product is because of lack of promoting the product to all levels of people like among students, businessmen, and teachers. This has proven how Google’s Wave has failed. Next, Google once launched a social media platform called Orkut. The main purpose of this product is to keep in touch with old friends and make new ones. But, the emergence of other social media like Facebook and Twitter played a large part in the failure of Orkut. The feature of Orkut also similar with Facebook but Orkut had a feature of letting other people know that you visited their profile and this is not the desire-able feature for the users.

Next, the failure of Google hangout is because of the hardware and software issues which is users need to download the latest version of drivers for the devices and also need to reset the program’s setting and file cache and also need a strong Wi-fi or data connection and also need to install and uninstall it before use and this has caused users to have difficulty in using the application, resulting in the product being unresponsive and causing failure.

Another Google’s product that failed is known as a Dodgeball which is this product is a mobile social networking service that lets you share your location with friends via text message. After a couple of month this product has been launched, this service is no longer available because Dodgeball was hard for people to understand and perhaps too early for the mobile devices out there.

Lastly, the biggest Google’s flop is a Google Buzz, this is because it just suddenly appeared as part of G-mail without much introduction or explanation and this made people confused because they did not know how it worked. Besides, people didn’t see it as social integration of G-mail. This is again a marketing problem, and if it had been properly launched and explained it they must not getting into a critical mess. Despite of the long list of failures, they had a plenty of successes too. And Google also have improve a better search engine and help Google grow in a manner that useful to users and they also proved themselves empirically that managers matters, they focused on what makes a great manager, and how to measure that so it can be improved across the company on an ongoing basis.

