
Technology is a creating goods or providing services using knowledge, processes, methods and systems.

Technology has made an impact especially on business management. It has proven that as a most importantly in the creation if wealth. It is also a multi- disciplinary field, which works as a bridge between engineering and business disciplines. The importance of technology management cannot be overlooked.

One of the company is Osborne Computer Corporation (OCC) was the earliest leader in the field of portable computers and it was located in the silicon valley of the southern San Francisco Bay Area in California was established in 1980 and defunct in 1985 because of a few reason that cannot be solved. Adam Osborne was the leader and driver in the founding of the company and developed with design work from Lee Felsenstein.

History Of Osborne Computer Corporation

Adam Osborne was the founder and the first CEO of the Osborne Computer Corporation. He appoint a computer expert and have a lot of related experience as computer engineer, Lee Felsenstein and formed a team and group who worked to design, manufacture and selling computers at a low and cheapest price at that time. They had build a portable computer that can fit in an airplane seat. As the result of that creation is we can see Osborne 1 as portable computer, introduced in 1981.


The Rise of the Osborne Computer Corporation

In 1981, the founder of Osborne built the first portable computer. He wanted to do something new and use low cost chips so that everyone can use the portable computer. He also saw the economic and the social potential for “no — frills computing”. Lee Felsenstein and team who worked for it. The result for this the first portable computer had been released as Osborne 1.

It is has triggered 1 phenomenon since it is the world’s first class computer and it has produced or triggered a competitor as “especially of computer equipment”, it is suitcase-sized, 20–30 pound computers. The computers used the CP/M operating system it is the first industry technology operating system at the time and it is had two disk drives a 5.5 inches screen. Also come with the software and worth up 1.500 dollar include the word processing, spreadsheet and two versions of basic making of computer and it is have with hardware and software in the computer software that they made. Osborne corporation has also offers some option modem and 1.1 inches external monitor sale for the buyers.

The Fall Of The Osborne Computer Corporation

In January 1981, they had demonstrated its Osborne 1 at the west Coast Computer Faire at that time. Osborne 1, increase exponent through 1981 to 1982 to peak of 10 thousand units within a month. In 1983, after they produce the Osborne Executive, companies want to repair and renewal their second product with a larger screen but the Osborne Computer Corporation was bankrupt.

It is happened because the company, plain and simple, committed suicide said the founder of Osborne Computer Corporation, Adam Osborne. A few of them though that Osborne’s decline was because of the annoying a new product that have been cause the demand for the previous release to evaporate, a phenomenon known as “The Osborne effect” it is like a defective reputation and a loss of credibility to produce something. This things happened because of the perfect storm of internal political maneuvering between Adam Osborne as the founder and the new CEO known as Robert and also because the competition in that field. For example the competitor is Kaypro computer that can offered portable computer and generate computers according to user requests. Other than that because of the manufacturing problem and the co-operation in the company off the responsible to swamp company.

In 1984, this CP/M especially of computer equipment that is almost alike to the Osborne 1 was released by the company that emerged briefly from bankrupt without Adam. Adam died of a degenerative brain disorder or known loss of function in the brain the one that suffered almost 80 person that overage 70 in 2003, in India where he grew up.


Although Osborne Computer Corporation was the first to release the computer. But the competition and less idea have made the company fall and unable to compete with the new competitors who have many excellent idea.

