About Epoché

Epoché (ἐποχή)
Epoché (ἐποχή)
2 min readApr 17, 2017

Epoché (ἐποχή) means: the suspension of judgement on what is unknowable for the time being. At any given point there are things that have to be put to one side while we roll up our sleeves and engage with a given problem at hand.

Epoché Magazine is singular in that it attempts to introduce, and play with, particular and complex philosophical concepts with a focus on readability. Where most casual philosophical publications skew depth for breadth in their functions of introducing ideas, Epoché goes for the meat, and puts aside the general miasma of the “history of ideas” narrative of philosophy, instead focusing on what makes a particular philosophical concept work, what a particular concept can do.

Epoché is for the curious and thoughtful. It is our hope that every piece can provide genuine food for thought. True to the name, Epoché does not attempt to solve all of the problems (or even the ‘all’ of a single problem), to think everything or say it all, but, rather, to use the wealth of concepts present in the labor of philosophy, ancient, modern, and new, to provide fragments of clarity, moments of pause; small machines made of words to modulate the obstinately unproblematic surface of the common sense. Tolstoy’s “shot of vodka” ideal of the short story, or a gasp of nitrous oxide.

In short, philosophy.

Epoché is released monthly.

