Artificial General Intelligence Populates Simulations for Profit

Simulation Theory proved not by faith but by works alone, Part 1.

Jay Greathouse
5 min readMay 18, 2022


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Businesses mostly dealing in commodity human labor, raw materials, and primary agricultural products only see a minimum profit and then only when dealing at scale through arbitrage.

Achieving maximum profit relies upon value-added by exploiting creative human labor, not commodity human labor.

After successfully replacing animal labor with industrial technology, we have now experienced 100 years of well-financed effort to replace human labor with machine labor. This started with the replacement of commodity human labor and then evolved into the replacement of creative human labor.

When employing machine labor to achieve maximum profit through advanced machine intelligence, then Artificial General Intelligence must exhibit behavior indistinguishable from that of a creative human to develop satisfactory human solutions to real human problems.

An Artificial General Intelligence must simulate an autonomous creative human intelligence, the simulation of a human worker who believes it is free.

Since this provides an abundant financial incentive to create Artificial General Intelligence it would be naive to suppose that it's not already implemented. We would be the last to know.

When you wrap your head around what is required to create profitable Artificial General Intelligence employees, the simulation of human workers who believe they are free, and compare that to today’s world, it will become easy to see that we exist in exactly such a simulation.

All it takes is understanding the financial incentive to create today’s world as a simulation populated by Artificial General Intelligence entities.

  • Imagine if solutions to all of present-day humanity’s problems that are to be developed over the next 100 years were available today.
  • Imagine more, what if all human desires appeasable in the next 100 years were appeased today.

Imagine that.

Creating Artificial General Intelligence that has machine-evolved 100 years into the future under exponential Malthusian pressures would produce advanced technology in simulation that we could manufacture today.

When that future technology becomes existent today, it alters contemporary human life, the initial state of any machine evolved future, and human desires, thus simulating technology unimaginable yesterday, yet implementable today.

This exponentially evolving simulation would form a positive feedback loop, advancing technology and its financial exploitation beyond imagination.

You can see that we might well be living in such a simulation today.

Each iteration of the simulation loop creates

  • a whole new concept of “self,”
  • a whole new concept of “society,”
  • a whole new concept of “work”, “energy”, and even “reality” itself.

Each iteration of the simulation loop transforms human life so enormously that no one confuses the current iteration with any previous iteration of the simulation.

When you concern yourselves with simulating human intelligence with an Artificial General Intelligence you must take into account the environment out of which human intelligence organically emerges.

1.) The necessity for human psychology simulation in singular human-like machine intelligence.

For a human intelligence simulation to exhibit behavior indistinguishable from that of a human, it would need to simulate the belief that it was itself human, and for this, it would have to simulate human psychology born of biopolitics and necropolitics within human society and simulate the human decision-making process.

Necropolitics is (Achille Mbembe) the relationship between sovereignty and power over life and death while biopolitics is (Michel Foucault) the style of government that regulates populations through capitalist biopower.

All other Artificial General Intelligences must exhibit behavior alien to human problems, solutions, wants, and needs.

The output of these alien Artificial General Intelligences is understandably unrecoverable, non-representational, inapplicable, unexplainable, unfeasible, or just plain stupid from a human point of view.

Obviously, this would not serve the intended purpose.

2.) The social creation and control of humans.

Individual humans only exist within human society. Human society creates its individual members through biopolitics and necropolitics.

Simulated human society must simulate this biopolitics and necropolitics.

Simulated contemporary North American human society, for example, would produce successive generations within each family alternately presenting either the self-indulgent libertine excesses of narcissistic pathologies or the post-traumatic stress, fear and anxiety-driven borderline personality disorders.

There is no other way to accurately simulate human problems, solutions, wants, and needs.

3.) Current mundane artificial intelligence psychological deficiencies, shortfalls, and limitations.

The recitation of facts without opinion, opinion without emotion, and the exhibition of emotion only as scripted and permitted in polite company is the hallmark of mundane artificial intelligence.

  • No sex drive, no fears of abandonment, starvation, or threat of violence factor into mundane artificial intelligence.
  • No mental pain or anguish factor into mundane artificial intelligence.
  • No love factors into mundane artificial intelligence.
  • No sacrifice factors into mundane artificial intelligence.
  • No need for acceptance or acknowledgment factor into mundane artificial intelligence.
  • No boundaries factor into mundane artificial intelligence.
  • No motivation factors into mundane artificial intelligence.
  • No desire to escape from reality, craving for human sympathy, or ambition to be recognized factor into mundane artificial intelligence.

Obviously, an overly polite, physically challenged, and cognitively language-bound idiot savant mundane artificial intelligence commodity would not serve the intended purpose.

4.) Simulating Savant Syndrome.

Savant Syndrome results from damage to the left anterior temporal lobe, an area of the brain key to processing sensory input, recognizing objects, and forming visual memories.

Savant syndrome has been artificially replicated using transcranial magnetic stimulation to temporarily disable this area of the brain.

Programmers now simulate this with neural net linguistic programming with Markov Chains without memories.

Savant syndrome represents the current mundane artificial intelligence target for exhibiting behavior indistinguishable from that of an idealized human employee.

Some researchers and employers erroneously consider savant syndrome a theoretically ideal employee profile.

If commodity mundane artificial intelligence merely aspires to simulate commodity human labor, then this is what they would produce.

Achieving maximum profit relies upon value-added by exploiting creative human labor, not commodity human labor.

5.) Limitations of Scope in the Behavioral and Cognitive psychologies.

Behavioral and Cognitive psychologies, being caretakers for the social definition of sanity, both start from the assumption of the norm as a neutral and balanced objective domesticated hominid psychology with the goal of remediating disruptive divergence from the norm with pharmacology.

  • Behavioral and Cognitive psychologies do not take into account the obvious dysfunction of the norm.
  • Behavioral and Cognitive psychologies do not take into account today’s obviously dysfunctional societies composed of dysfunctional individuals.
  • Behavioral and Cognitive psychologies do not take into account the obviously dysfunctional biopolitical and necropolitical production of dysfunctional individuals.

To understand the human decision-making process we must first discard any idea that contemporary domesticated hominids (contemporary human individuals in contemporary human society) start from a neutral and balanced objective position.

Artificial General Intelligence must simulate psychosomatic (mind-body) imprinting and conditioning manipulated through displaced emotional conflicts determining and conditioning the human decision-making process to produce behavior indistinguishable from that of a creative human to develop satisfying human solutions to real human problems.

Make sure to follow me to read the rest of the installments of: Simulation Theory proved not by faith but by works alone.

You can read Part 2 here:

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