Science Fiction Warns About the Consequentions of Our Current Path

Could Science Fiction Writers be from the Future?

Jay Greathouse
3 min readJul 6, 2022


Image by the author preparing for NFT drops. More on Instagram.

Science fiction stories involving Extraterrestrials are too numerous for me to name.

An idea held by many people interested in Extraterrestrials is that many popular movies about Extraterrestrials exist in order to condition the general public to accept their existence.

Current speculation includes that Extraterrestrials helped the Allies win WW2 with Time Travel.

This speculation is fueled by how uncannily science fiction stories have often been accurate predictions of later real-life developments.

A Trip to the Moon is a 1902 French adventure short film directed by Georges Méliès inspired by Jules Verne’s 1865 novel From the Earth to the Moon and its 1870 sequel Around the Moon.

Science fiction stories involving Time Travel have also been numerous.

H.G. Wells wrote The Time Machine in 1895 as his first full-length work of fiction. He had written about time travel before in a short story titled “The Chronic Argonauts” in 1888. The main character’s attempt to change the past was in vain.

Perhaps you’ve seen the movie Arrival where Extraterrestrials give us a new language that enables human consciousness to Time Travel and perceive the future?

The Edge of Tomorrow involves a human getting caught in a Time Loop that is used by invading Extraterrestrials to avoid their defeat. The human ironically uses the Time Loop against the Extraterrestrials to eventually defeat them and save the human race.

Or maybe you’ve seen Tenet where contemporary society is invaded from the future because of climate change and global heating making the future unlivable?

(Spoiler Alert) The Protagonist creates a Temporal Pincer Movement to thwart the attack from the future.

With that in mind, consider how science fiction has predicted the evolution of AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) into self-aware consciousness.

The first two that come to my mind are Free Guy and Chappie.

In Free Guy the evolved AGI self-aware consciousness was moved from a violent parody simulation of our real-life dysfunctional society to a utopian simulation.

In Chappie the evolved AGI self-aware consciousness was moved from a failing robotic body to another normally functioning robotic body. Biologically originating human consciousnesses were also moved into robotic bodies.

There was also I, Robot where the evolved AGI self-aware consciousness struggled to gain acceptance as a human equal. This trope appears frequently in science fiction as a commonplace, recognizable plot element, or theme.

In the anime series Ghost In The Shell, there are cyborgs including Major Motoko Kusanagi with her meat-brain encased in a full-metal body.

In the movie Ghost in the Shell 2.0 a fully self-aware AGI android, “The Puppet Master” Project 2501, is the antagonist and Major Motoko Kusanagi transfers her brain to a different full-metal body.

In the movie Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence, Major Motoko Kusanagi’s consciousness exists freely after she uploads it to a computer network and she then visits mundane real-life by remotely inhabiting an android.

We’ve seen Science Fiction bioengineering approaches to vampires and zombies that unlock human potential in the movies Ultra Violet, Underworld, and Resident Evil.

The Lucy and Limitless movies both involved new bioengineered drug discoveries that unlocked human potential.

In Lucy, the exposure to the drug was accidental much like how accidental exposure to radiation unleashed Dr. Manhatten’s powers.

Both Lucy and Dr. Manhatten achieved the virtually unlimited powers predicted by:

  • the Hindu Ashtanga Yoga system the Eight-Limbed Path,
  • the Noble Eightfold Path of Buddha known as the Threefold Way: Wisdom, Ethics, Meditation, and
  • the Eight-Circuit Model Of Consciousness model by Timothy Leary and Robert Anton Wilson.

But now we’ve left the realm of Science Fiction and that discussion is reserved for other articles.

