Epower Stories
Published in
2 min readMar 22, 2018

Linda Ikeji. Jumia. Frank Donga. Epower.

What do these names have in common? All four have a strong online presence!

Having a strong online presence is a crucial component of your marketing strategy, no matter what size your business is or what industry it belongs to. As the world continues to evolve, it is important that as business owners, we don’t remain static. And seeing as a lot of this evolution has to do with the web, it is essential that we start to take our businesses online and create a strong presence.

As a business owner, you should strategically position your business online. This is the only shop that never closes. This is the only arena that captures a lot of people, potential clients and customers at once! Being online is just like having a virtual shop where you can reach your target audience 24/7.


Fanfaro oil, headquartered in the US recently got a permit to sell in Nigeria. Fanfaro Oil wanted to reach car users and oil distributors in Nigeria. They knew that to get to their preferred audience and leapfrog existing competition, they had to build a formidable online presence. Fanfaro Oil approached us to build their website. As usual, we delivered beyond expectations. We came up with a bespoke design that not only satisfied our client but got them so excited, they handed over the management of their social media accounts to us- another aggressive way of improving your online presence. We are proud to announce to you that the Fanfaro oil website is not only up and running but better designed than the parent website domiciled in the US. You can see for yourself!



Epower Stories

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