Leveraging consistent user experience across product suites with an in-house Design Component Library

Sweta Subramanian
Epsilon Engineering Blog
4 min readSep 19, 2023

In today’s digital landscape, organizations need to drive product adoption and growth by giving customers a self-service approach and a consistent user experience (UX) across their suite of products. Here, having a consistent user experience is a key differentiator for any organization that wants to stay ahead of the competition. Companies often ignore this factor which goes hand-in-hand with a self-service approach. We believe that consistency in design plays a vital role in delivering a seamless and intuitive experience to users. This led to the birth and evolution of our in-house design component library. In this article, let’s explore how this design system has enabled us to drive consistency and enhance the user experience throughout our product ecosystem.

Establishing a Unified Design Language

Our component library is a repository of reusable components, including buttons, forms, icons, typography, and more. By adhering to consistent visual language, we create a sense of familiarity for our users across all products. This familiarity eliminates the learning curve often encountered with new interfaces. This makes it easier for customers to use our products without going through a steep learning curve every time they use any product from our suite of applications. Through this design system, we ensure that our design choices align with our brand and communicate a coherent message to our users.

The design system is a comprehensive framework that provides a standardized set of reusable User Interface (UI) components for creating consistent and cohesive UIs. It serves as a foundational resource for designers and developers, ensuring consistency across various digital products and platforms.

Streamlining Design and Development Processes

Designing and developing multiple products simultaneously can be a complex task if no governing standards are identified. The deeper you progress with each version, the more you get caught in an entangled mess of products that confuse and frustrate customers. Hence, it is always better to have some common practices and standards that govern the look and feel of the products. We set the first impression when a customer sees an intuitive UI consistent across all suite products. The design system simplifies this process by providing pre-designed and thoroughly tested components. Designers can leverage these components to quickly prototype and build interfaces, eliminating the need to start from scratch for each project. This saves time and promotes UX consistency as designers leverage proven solutions for common design patterns. Our teams can focus on innovation and fine-tune the user experience with streamlined processes rather than reinventing the wheel.

Enhancing User Familiarity and Learnability

With a consistent UX, we are helping drive more business value to customers in a shorter period. Users can focus on accomplishing their goals by reducing cognitive load rather than spending valuable time wrestling with unfamiliar interfaces. Consistency creates a sense of trust and reliability, fostering a positive perception of our suite of products.

Ensuring Scalability and Adaptability

A prominent question in the minds of everyone is regarding the scalability of our products. Our design library allows us to adapt to change and scale efficiently. By separating design components from individual products, we can easily update and modify the products without impacting the entire system. This flexibility enables us to respond swiftly to user feedback, market trends, and technological advancements. It also ensures that our design system remains adaptable and future-proof, empowering us to create innovative experiences while maintaining a consistent user experience.

Early Adoption of Accessibility

Accessibility plays an important part in any market in which we sell our products. Hence, we are also integrating accessibility principles into our design component library to ensure that our products are inclusive and usable by diverse users. Accessibility-focused components, such as properly labelled form fields, keyboard navigation, and color contrast considerations, are standardized and readily available. This helps our design and development teams prioritize accessibility from the outset, making it easier to comply with accessibility standards and guidelines.


Our design library is pivotal in strengthening our brand identity across all products. By incorporating our brand elements, such as colors, typography, and iconography into the library, we infuse our brand personality consistently throughout the user journey. This alignment reinforces brand recognition and builds trust and loyalty among our users. Our design library is a powerful tool for designers and product developers alike to implement and maintain brand guidelines, ensuring that our products accurately reflect our brand identity. By investing in the development and maintenance of such a library, we are paving the way for a streamlined design process, faster development cycles, and enhanced user experiences across all our products.

