EQBR Manifesto

Published in
3 min readMay 10, 2022

EQBR is based on the commercially viable(fast/stable) blockchain engine ‘Equilibrium’. EQBR is serving for protecting Privacy profoundly, pursuing Liberation from platform economy constantly, accelerating internet governance into Decentralization irreversibly and bringing about Information Democracy. Moreover, the creators’ precious IP(intellectual property) must be protected and properly compensated. EQBR is the bonafide open P2P Contents Hub. Those commitments are our Zeitgeist, the spirit of the times.

The first section : From Platform Economy to P2P Economy.

[Background] Big tech platforms, which were called symbols of innovation in the ICT Industrial Revolution, have now become exclusive market monopolies. They started with innovation, but now they have become monopolies on the vested interests. The digital economy ecosystem is on the verge of degeneration.
[Manifesto] P2P Economy based on EQBR will dismantle the cost centers. Blockchain networks are to overcome the big tech’s Platform Economy, and are to be the trusted third party of P2P Economy itself. The hierarchical Tower will be replaced by the network Square ‘Agora’. We declare the end of Platform Economy and the initiation of P2P Economy simultaneously. EQBR will be at the epicenter of this revolution. This truth is the memory of history.

The second section : Your Privacy is Our Priority.

[Background] Platforms are unlimitedly collecting and utilizing personal information by exploiting market monopoly status. As a result, various computer crimes and privacy violations have emerged as serious social issues. Accordingly, governments have been enacting and implementing the Personal Information Protection Act(EU’s GDPR, etc.). However, it’s a mission impossible to hedge those crisis under the centralized server-client structure with a single attack point embedded.
[Manifesto] DID is the ultimate solution for your Privacy. It stores the private key associated with personal identification on user’s terminal device without storing it in centralized server. As a result, the sovereignty of personal identity verification belongs entirely to users in EQBR.

The third section : (B4H) Blockchain Techne for Humanitas

[Background] The United Nations has initiated ‘Envision2030’ for improving the conditions of the most marginalized around the world. According to the World Bank, globally more than 1.6 billion adults are the unbanked who can not deposit in a bank because of lacking the identification and documentation requirements to open a bank accounts. They are excluded from financial literacy, so lives under low incomes and less educated.
[Manifesto] Financial inclusion matters. Financial illiteracy is frightening because it makes survival impossible. We delve for the mission escaping the unbanked worldwide from financial illiteracy through Good Technology for the better tomorrow. We do it with our novelty blockchain P2P FinTech. We’ll keep back to the basics for ‘technology enhancing humanity’ too!

The fourth section : EQBR is ESG in itself.

[Background] In December 2019, WEF(World Economic Forum) rendered the ‘Dabos Declaration 2020: The Universal Purpose of Companies in the Fourth Industrial Revolution’. It encompasses important principles for long-term value creation, such as ESG(Environmental, Social and Governance) goals, pursuit of sustainable value, reliable digital ecosystem, ethical use of data and fair competition.
[Manifesto] Literally, EQBR represents ESG standards in itself. ESG aims at resilience and balance in environmental, social and governance. Environmentally we do not waste tremendous amount of electricity for mining coins any longer. Socially we pursue equal opportunities for all through P2P Economy. And in Governance aspect we commit Information Democracy using decentralized networks.

