An Open Letter to Robert Reich: Don’t Let Them Off Easy
In your latest (and as always, powerful) piece, you write:
Nothing important can be accomplished — reversing climate change, creating true equal opportunity, overcoming racism, rebuilding the middle class, having a sane and sensible foreign policy — until we reclaim our democracy from the moneyed interests. The longer Bernie Sanders is on stage to deliver this message, the better.
That is beautifully stated and obviously true, and no doubt: no one has done a better job than Bernie Sanders in delivering that message.
But even better would be if the punchline (in Senator Sanders’ hands) to this important truth were something beyond attacking Hillary Clinton.
As you know, and as Sanders certainly knows, “the moneyed interests” hold their sway in Congress. That means, even with Bernie Sanders as President, we would only ever “reclaim our democracy from the moneyed interests” if we change their power over representatives in Congress. And that means, as you have argued again and again, that we must change the way congressional campaigns are funded.
That final step — achieved through small dollar citizen funding of congressional campaigns, whether by vouchers, or matching funds — is the critical step. But most people in America don’t even know it’s possible. Even Senator Sanders has balked at stating this obvious truth simply and clearly. Instead, for him, small dollar citizen funding is something for “the long term.”
You know that we can’t afford to wait for “the long term.” You know that we must get this reform now. That was Elizabeth Warren’s argument on the floor of the Senate on the anniversary of Citizens United. That is why Hillary Clinton, in Iowa, promised to introduce such reform in her first 100 days.
So in your powerful and extensive prose, rallying a base and setting the direction for a party, can you please hold our leaders to this obvious truth?
It is wonderful, as you recently wrote, that Senate Democrats are considering a “democracy agenda.” It is appalling, however, that they have omitted small dollar citizen funding from their list of reforms.
It is wonderful, as you have repeatedly written, that Bernie Sanders has consistently pressed the corrupting influence of money in our politics. But it is not enough to attack the “billionaires” or Secretary Clinton. He must show America what real reform would be, and that real reform is possible now. Speaking of “the long term” is not enough.
As we move to a convention, and to a statement of the principles that will give America a reason to vote for Democrats over Republicans, we, as a party, must become absolutely clear: As Senator Warren put it,
Change is needed in many areas. But we can start with how we fund elections.
Please help us make this point more clear, Robert. Your words are powerful and edifying. We need them in this critical cause. Because as someone very wise once wrote:
Nothing important can be accomplished — reversing climate change, creating true equal opportunity, overcoming racism, rebuilding the middle class, having a sane and sensible foreign policy — until we reclaim our democracy from the moneyed interests.
With respect.