Bernie Sanders

Why Bernie Won in Michigan

Cyrus Patten
Equal Citizens
Published in
1 min readMar 9, 2016


In case you missed it, Bernie Sanders beat Hillary Clinton in Michigan last night. In doing so, he upset a raft of polls predicting his defeat.

Pundits and media will be chewing on this all week — trying to figure out what happened. Besides the emerging reality that polls are no longer relevant predictors of election results, there is a much deeper and stronger undercurrent that was at work here.

Bernie won in Michigan. Home to the city of Flint — where political corruption literally poisoned children.

All other issues aside, Clinton was seen by residents of Michigan as a political insider the likes of which are responsible for the poisoning of their children.

Despite his much lengthier resume, Sanders was seen by residents of Michigan as an outsider that carries hope of a better political system. A system in which politicians exist to serve the interests of their constituents, not the interests of their biggest campaign contributors.

Long live democracy.

Cyrus Patten is the CEO of MAYDAY.US, a national campaign to fight corruption by electing reformers.



Cyrus Patten
Equal Citizens

I believe we can solve humanity’s biggest social issues with good business.