Rage against the man

Just another day for a woman in any city.

Mental Erotica
2 min readFeb 11, 2014

Hey You! Yes, you, trying to get a woman’s attention by leering at her, by making vulgar gestures, by trying to violate her dignity by grabbing at her breasts and buttocks.

You know why you don’t get to hold a woman’s soft hands, or win her sweet smile, or even experience the warmth of her heart? It’s because you’re that creep who had the opportunity of growing up in a normal household but decided to rebel against it. Because your first impulse has always been to disregard women who drank and smoked, and who laughed and moved in the company of men.

Did the thought ever come to you why YOU could do all of the above and not us?

Don’t laugh at me or make fun of me by calling me a feminist. I’m rather, an enraged woman who was mistreated because I decided to spend an evening with my women friends drinking at a local pub. No, I wasn’t wearing a skimpy outfit and neither was I trying to attract anyone’s attention. I was just celebrating a new haircut, making small talk, chit-chatting and guffawing away at stupid humor.

But hey, don’t tell me to go home and drink. Don’t ask me to stay at home after late hours. Don’t ask me not to drive fast. Don’t even dare say a word to me.

Only if you knew what a woman goes through on an everyday basis. Times when I walk in a crowded street or even ride during heavy traffic hours, a few men are just waiting for an opportunity. It doesn’t matter how I’m dressed. Bikers speed past you, car drivers try to get too close, and bus drivers pleasure themselves by simply, honking.

It’s because douchebags like you will never learn anything. Because you will always take pride in your exploits.

But do me a favour, will you?

Try to keep your hands in your pocket? Keep your maleness zipped up and give that ‘hard on’ some rest? I wouldn’t even ask you to satisfy your sexual deprivations at a whorehouse. At least prostitutes don’t pretend to be civilized. They are only trying to earn a living.

So the next time you label someone a whore, always remember that you’re only insulting yourself. And if you feel you could lucky by brushing past a woman or winking at a her, remember the joke is on you because you don’t know anything better.



Mental Erotica

Stories that will whet your mind. I write under the pseudonym Cardi Day.