A Case for LGBTQ History in Schools

LGBTQ experiences stand as integral strands in the overall multicultural rainbow. Everyone has a right to information that clarifies and explains these histories.

The Good Men Project
Equality Includes You


Photo credit: iStock

By Warren Blumenfeld

As the new school year begins in our nation’s elementary, middle, and high schools, and in our colleges and universities, educators and school administrators have an excellent opportunity to resurrect the lives, the stories, the histories that have long been intentionally hidden from students, from us all, by socially dominant individuals and groups through the draconian processes of neglect, deletion, erasure, omission, banning, censorship, distortion, alteration, trivialization and other means.

Because of this, as is still often the case for many other minoritized communities, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, and queer (LGBTQ) young people grow up in a society without an historical context in which to project their lives. They are weaned on the notion that they have no culture and no history. And the result has been vast and devastating. In the famous words of African American social activist Marcus Garvey: “A people without a history is like a tree without roots.”



The Good Men Project
Equality Includes You

We're having a conversation about the changing roles of men in the 21st century. Main site is https://goodmenproject.com Email us info@goodmenproject.com