All of Us Can Begin To Re-think Our Sexist Language

Language allows us voice and choice.

Christyl Rivers, Phd.
Equality Includes You


Thanks to LSE library for photo on Unsplash

Language allows us voice and choice

The suffragettes got votes for women 100 years ago. But our language, which shapes our attitudes, still doesn’t treat women with equality.

I believe that all of us use sexist language. That doesn’t mean that we should. We are raised in a very non-level society. We can’t help it that everyone who ran a country, mail truck, or company is called congressman, postman, or chairman. We learned those words, and unlearning, famously, is more difficult than learning.

But can we begin to use less sexist language? I think we can and we will.

George Floyd was one man. His murder at the hands of “policemen” changed hundreds, if not thousands of things, including words.

Gone with the Wind (just temporarily?), is gone with the winds of change. Gone are Uncle Ben and Aunt Jemima. Confederate flags, “Squaw” mountain, white actors, commemorative statues: Gone. Team names: Redskins, Rebels, Crusaders, even Confederates (who knew?) are gone. Police cars in Fortnite, COPS, and so many more things are GONE.

Most of these words and things are not gone forever. But, I can easily see them slipping off into the…



Christyl Rivers, Phd.
Equality Includes You

Ecopsychologist, Writer, Farmer, Defender of reality, and Cat Castle Custodian.