America Has a White Male Problem — And It’s Not The One We Think

The rise of the loud, angry white men in this moment is a product of decades of the silence of good white men.

The Good Men Project
Equality Includes You


Photo credit: Shutterstock

By John Pavlovitz

America has a white male problem.

If you’re living here and you’re not a white male, I likely don’t have to do much to convince you of that fact.

You’ve been an eyewitness.
You’ve had a front row seat to the horrors.
You’ve likely been on the receiving end of the misogyny, beared the brunt of the bigotry, and sustained the bruises of the brutality.

We’ve all seen the mass shootings, read the assault statistics, and inventoried the hate crimes and they speak for themselves. The pattern is undeniable, the repetition is clear. We know that the violence of white male nationalists is the greatest existential threat to this nation in our lifetime.

That’s not the American white male problem I’m referring to.

As prevalent as this rapidly-replicating cancer of toxic Caucasian masculinity has been and the damage it has done to oppressed, marginalized, and vulnerable communities here, it would not exist without another insidious collective…



The Good Men Project
Equality Includes You

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