An Open Letter To President Biden — The World is Watching

Neil Goldberg
Equality Includes You
3 min readFeb 27, 2022

Dear Mr. President,

We all share the earth, the sky, and this moment in time. Any leader who is in touch with their humanity does not view themselves as separate from others. We cannot live ethically without caring about other people. We are all connected, a part of each other. Separation is an illusion created by our ego and it must be obliterated if we are to ever experience peace. There is simply no other truth.

Please imagine the people of Ukraine as your mother, sister, daughter, brother, father, and yes, even your wife and son. Take a breath and let all the noise of this world melt away. Focus on one image only. Your family is pleading for your help. They are relying on you to take action. There is a baby crying. That is your grandchild who is also going to die if you continue to sit and watch as a tyrant sends all of them to the gas chamber.

There is a new generation of people on this earth who see themselves as connected to each other. We are the future, and we are asking all of our leaders around the world to hear us. We understand gasoline prices will soar. We understand there is a cost to pay for freedom and peace. As the spiritual leader and peace activist Thich Nhat Hanh said, “No mud, no lotus.” We will transform any suffering into compassion for our brothers and sisters in Ukraine. This is what it means to be human.

Putin claims he is liberating the people of Ukraine. We all know the truth; it is the deluded and poisoned mindset of people like Putin that needs to be transmuted.

On March 1, 2022, let us stand up, step up and show up at state capital buildings around the world, holding signs that say, “Now.” This does not mean imposing more sanctions. Moving SWIFTLY is not about cutting off access to a key financial system. That is not enough. “Now” means sending our forces and military equipment today. “Now” means standing shoulder to shoulder with our family, defending democracy.

Let us turn March 1st into a day that is celebrated not as a national holiday, rather a worldwide holiday marking the moment when people of this planet demanded their right as humans to live in peace. Let us declare March 1st as Global Freedom Day.

The world is watching (and so are the tyrants). The tyrants are watching. They want to continue controlling the world as they have done since the dawn of man. These people are from another time, lost in the archaic delusion of separation. Let us show them that their time is over. Let us all rise up and exercise the power of love, of humanity, of being one. Let us see what happens when we try being human.



Neil Goldberg
Equality Includes You

Quit operating social media co’s to share social kindness, mindfulness & love. Author, father, mentor, American Red Cross board member.