Are There Really More Than Two Genders?

As new generations come and go the line for what's deemed acceptable in society is challenged again and again.

Jordan Munson
Equality Includes You
3 min readAug 27, 2020


Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

The millennial/ Gen Z generations have not only pushed the line but flipped it upside down with their new way of expressing themselves.

So when it comes to this progressive idea of gender being a limitless spectrum should we embrace this ideology or is it ok to acknowledge that it makes us uncomfortable?

Many transgender or multiple gender believers introduce their internal struggle with gender dysphoria or gender identity.

The definition of gender dysphoria according to oxford languages, “is the condition of feeling one’s emotional and psychological identity as male or female to be opposite to one’s biological sex.”

Gender dysmorphia by definition includes only male and female genders — so to oppose your gender would mean to identify with the opposite. It is based on binary gender ideology.

Binary meaning 2, or only male and female.

So how could gender be a spectrum if even studies of transgender issues are based upon binary ideologies?

In most cultures, binary genders have always been the norm. There is no piece of science or evidence that supports the thesis of a non-binary human being, unless you include disabilities or very unique outliers. However, that is based on the belief that sex is gender.

The definition of gender according to the World Health Organization: Gender refers to the roles, behaviors, activities, attributes, and opportunities that any society considers appropriate for girls and boys, and women and men. Gender interacts with, but is different from, the binary categories of biological sex.

So while biological sex is mostly male and female — gender is defined by society.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

I look at it like this:

Sex within the human race is mostly binary, with most people born as male or female. There are, however, exceptions.

Gender however is a set of beliefs combined with societal norms and expectations. Within gender expression, there are limitless amounts of genders and it becomes a spectrum only defined by the limits you give it. Almost relatable to a religion. How people are allowed to express and identify themselves has nothing to do with science or evidence. It has everything to do with their mental and spiritual being.

Gender is a belief. Just like in religion it is incredibly disrespectful to tell someone what to believe or if their belief is right. Gender expression is a belief that others should respect and allow.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

That however is my take on this very complex topic. I would love to hear other perspectives on this topic whether I’m right or wrong, in the comments, or if you're a writer, write your own essay stating your opinion and tag me.

