Black Women Are The Most Unprotected And Disrespected People In Society

Society has a bad habit of turning our pain and suffering into a comedy.

Petiri Ira
Equality Includes You


Source:s Unsplash

The most disrespected person in America is the black woman. The most unprotected person in America is the black woman. The most neglected person in America is the black woman — Malcolm X

This powerful quote by Malcolm X can still be applied to modern-day society.

Black women are the most unprotected and disrespected people in society because our pain and sorrows are made into jokes and memes by society. Our pain isn’t seen as equal in comparison to women of other races.

Its the truth and it hurts.

As black women, we have to endure endless amounts of pain due to comments made by from, we often subject to this pain without us provoking anyone, this pain is caused by the texturist, colourist and featurist comments that are made by society on an everyday basis.

Just imagine, someone you don’t even know, attacking you over your physique; immediately masculinising you because of your natural stature, or undermining your beauty just because of the texture of your…



Petiri Ira
Equality Includes You

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