Debunking Ben Shapiro’s Debunk Video

As usual, Ben Shapiro uses half-truths and red herrings for personal gain, not objective truth.

Ron Dawson
Equality Includes You


<Sigh> That’s pretty much how I have to start every article about Ben Shapiro. With a deep inhale then an exhale of sheer EXHAUSTION! I would offer an introduction to Mr. Shapiro—about his long history of conservative, right-wing proselytizing; about how he CLAIMS to be a person who points out immorality on both sides of the aisle (cough, cough, lie); and his most recent ascendancy from Editor-in-Chief of Breitbart to EIC of Dailywire. But, I assume you’re already familiar with his history if this article’s title attracted you. So, let me just dive right in.

Yet another attempt to “debunk” systemic racism

What has inspired this latest epic article was a recent video Ben made, the purpose of which was to “debunk” another video that went viral last year because it gave a very reasoned, compassionate, and well-researched look at systemic racism in America.



Ron Dawson
Equality Includes You

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