Hungry While Black in America: Living in the New-Normal of food Insecurity

Racial injustice rears its ugly head once again.

Patricia Joseph
Equality Includes You


Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

Black folks are going hungry! Who gives a damn?!

It’s astonishing that America, one of the richest countries on earth, is unwilling to help its citizens in the current COVID-19 crisis. I know — I shouldn’t be so cynical — blame it on years of constant exposure to double standards, white privilege, and institutional racism.

The current pandemic that is wreaking havoc on the U.S. economy has hurled millions of Americans into a new reality of food banks, food lines, and handouts — many furloughed or laid-off, at no fault of their own, without a lifeline of financial help. Their lives turned upside down and thrown into a downward spiral. They now find themselves at the door of a new-normal: food insecurity — unsure how or where they’ll get their next meal.

While mile-long food lines continue to stretch, neighborhood community fridges feed the hungry, and food banks become overwhelmed, fellow countrymen with a blind eye to the suffering of people of color, proclaim: “Make America Great Again!”

I know what it’s like to lose your job and worry about feeding your family — it’s some scary shit! During the time I was laid-off, I collected…



Patricia Joseph
Equality Includes You

Wife, mother, healthy lifestyle lover, and blogger. I’m inspired to write about moments in life that move me!