Gendered Expectations: How Workplace Bias Undermines The Good Guys and Hinders Progress On Gender Equality

Frank Li
Equality Includes You
7 min readMay 8, 2023


An illustration of a diverse group of professionals — 3 total, 1 men and 2 women
Generated by author using Dall.E 2, prompt: “Visualize a diverse group of professionals, both men and women, embracing their unique qualities and strengths, creating a supportive and inclusive work environment”

An article from Harvard Business Review ( discusses how male workers face adverse outcomes when they deviate from traditional masculine norms in the workplace.

The authors emphasize that men who display behaviors or take on roles typically associated with femininity may face criticism and consequences, such as being viewed as less competent or receiving lower performance evaluations.

The above is shocking because male workers are often penalized for displaying positive — often productive — behavior that contributes to effective leadership. These are some of the staggering findings from this report:

1. Being Agreeable: Men who display communal and agreeable traits earn significantly less and are considered less competent for managerial roles, potentially deterring them from engaging in these behaviors at work.

2. Displaying Empathy: While empathy is crucial for effective leadership, female leaders displaying empathy avoid career derailment. Male leaders are likely exposed to career derailment for showing empathy.



Frank Li
Equality Includes You

Random-topic writer🖋️, pseudonym. Loves reading📚 & follow current events🌍. DM me on Twitter🐦 or email me for longer topics.