He Didn’t Want Her Sexual Advances, But I Never Stopped Her

Allowing men to be sexually abused to teach them how women feel doesn’t fix the problem.

Ariel Kern
Equality Includes You


*names have been changed.

My friend Quentin* came to visit me for the weekend. Within a few hours of his arrival, Quentin told me “Um, your roommate Kylie*? She’s trying to get it. She’s mega thirsty.”

“It” meaning his body. She wanted sex. With him.

I ignored him because Quentin is the kind of guy who always thinks women are trying to have sex with him. Or at least find him attractive. “Whatever dude,” I said, “she just feels comfortable around you.” I blew him off.

Later that evening we’re watching TV and Kylie came out after taking a shower wearing her bathrobe hanging very loose. I could see her cleavage and most of her left breast.

If she wants to dress like that — no problem. I walk around the house in my bra most the time so I don’t care.

But I’ve lived with her for eight months and she’s never walked around in her bathrobe after a shower. Let alone letting her breasts hang out. She’s usually a bit self-conscious of her body.

Suddenly, instead of laying on the carpet with her two french bulldogs, she was squeezing…



Ariel Kern
Equality Includes You

Japanese culture from Tokyo. Spiritual growth from experimenting. Future musings from tech startup. Learning people’s stories around the world.