How to Come Out Straight: Lessons from the Queer Community.

Did you choose who you are?

Emily O. Weltman
Equality Includes You


Image by author; made in Canva; “Who are you?” name tag with glitter rainbow

It’s almost the end of pride month and I still have questions. I hope you don’t mind me asking you one…

When did you come out straight?

Who did you tell first? Were you nervous (or trying to convince yourself you really liked your same-gendered classmates)?

Omg, did your parents, like, totally freak out when you said “Mom, I think I’m ssssstraight.” Did you feel guilty knowing *think* was not part of your truth?

Were you sure you really were interested in the opposite gender or was it just a phase? I mean straight at 9, 11, 15, 19? How can you be sure at that age? Did you ever fall in love at 10 or 12? No, how could you? Kids don’t know their hearts at 10 or 12, right?

Omg, did your parents, like, totally freak out when you said “Mom, I think I’m straight.”

When you decided you were straight did you worry…Maybe you’d grow to feel gay. Did you pray to be gay? Did you ever consider straight was really just your way of experimenting?

You probably turned straight because your best friend was straight too, right? Maybe you saw a rare straight character on TV. Did you…



Emily O. Weltman
Equality Includes You

Emily Weltman, M. Ed., strategy consultant, social entrepreneur + coFLOWco founder is “Leading with Purpose–because the patriarchy isn’t going to fix Itself.”💫