My Home: How to help Mississippi right now

This issue is close to my heart.

Matthew Castilla
Equality Includes You
3 min readSep 2, 2022


I could say a lot about the situation in Mississippi and its many infrastructure issues. I could talk about certain Governors not focusing on the critical issues of the state’s welfare until he found himself in the middle of making Ill-informed comments regarding student loan forgiveness. I could talk about growing up as a kid, going to my dad’s church to volunteer, and seeing next door the apartments kids not have running water or plumbing, so they had to use the bathroom outside. I could talk about so much. And one day, I will. But for right now, my home needs your help.

The reality is that my home state is suffering something right now. Some folks see the poorest state in the nation. They don’t realize it’s beautiful. That there is so much rich history. That there is a plethora of talent and genius that is untapped. That there are people here that deserve to be on the front page paper of the New York Times because of their gifts and high intelligence. That there is beauty to the sun-kissed individuals of this state. You can find some of the sweetest, most giving people. You can find some of the best food. And you can find a moment of clarity you didn’t know was missing from your life.

My father and mother, even up to their passing, looked at the kids that they would teach and, no matter their situation, would think to themselves – wow; what promise. I know because I witnessed it. I lived it. I am it. If you’re someone who likens themselves to believe in equity and inclusion, then I think you’d quickly find where helping overlaps with your belief system.

This passage sits with me for both believers and non-believers alike. Isaiah 49:10 They will neither hunger nor thirst, nor will the desert heat or the sun beat down on them. He who has compassion on them will guide them and lead them beside springs of water.

I won’t talk your head off on that passage or anything, but I will say there is power in compassion. There is strength in unity when facing suffering. If you could find it in your heart to help the people I love, I call family, friends, teachers, you name it… it would mean the world to me.

If that means sending water. Awesome. Donating. Awesome. If it means volunteering. Also, awesome.

Here are some options:

With love. With hope. With peace.

Matthew W. Castilla

