I’m Not Returning to Google After Maternity Leave, and Here is Why

My Story of Retaliation and Discrimination at Google

Chelsey Louise Glasson
Equality Includes You


While working on another article today, it occurred to me that I never shared the internal memo I wrote the last few days of my employment at Google in response to my being pushed out of the company due to pregnancy discrimination. Here it is.

It’s too painful for me to read right now. Someday, though, when I’m more established in my new career, I’ll add a few reflection points here.

I will say it’s hard to believe this was close to five years ago and that my now five-year-old daughter was only four months old at the time. I’m still healing.

August 3, 2019

I’m sharing this statement because I hope it informs needed change in how Google handles discrimination, harassment and retaliation. This is a long read, but the details are important in understanding the often drawn-out, isolating and painful experience of victims of discrimination, harassment and retaliation. Also, if anything similar has happened to you, know that you’re not alone.

- — — A year and a half ago, after four years of strong performance that included two Superb ratings and several Strongly Exceeds, I was promoted into a position of managing a team of five Googlers. This resulted in my now reporting directly to my director, who had previously shared glowing comments about my work via two prior perf cycles.



Chelsey Louise Glasson
Equality Includes You

User researcher, writer, and future human-centered attorney. Author of Black Box: A Pregnancy Discrimination Memoir.