It is Time I Face Chinese Racism

And I will stand with my people.

Chelsea Wong
Equality Includes You


When the UK went into a nationwide lockdown, I was devastated. For weeks, I had been hoping — rather stupidly — that everything was going to be okay. It was foolish of me to think that was going to be the case, but to be honest, one of the reasons was because I was worried about what people will say about me and more importantly, my fellow Chinese community.

Although I was born and raised in Scotland my entire life, I have always identified as a Hong Konger because both my parents were born there. So quite rightly, I started to get nervous when the outbreak started in China, letting the entire world and their anti-China beliefs have another reason to hate on the country. I remember the first couple of months when it had all started when everyone around me seemed quite chilled and relaxed about it all. I was offended, as people were dying in China, yet people thought it was okay to post memes on their social media about the virus as a joke. I watched as the memes circulated my entire Instagram feed and sat quietly as people made inappropriate jokes where I could hear. Not once did they see it as the severity that it had become because it hadn’t started to affect their own lives. You don’t really feel anything properly until it starts to affect your own daily life. And for me it did. It started making me feel…



Chelsea Wong
Equality Includes You

22 | British Hong Konger | Writer for RARE Youth Revolution | Lupus | Mental Health | Lifestyle | Travel and Culture | Relationships