Jewish American White Women: We have to talk.

They aren’t coming for us, yet.

Emily O. Weltman
Equality Includes You


I discovered this hidden in my Bat Mitzvah pamphlet from 1990 when digging for this article.

Part 1: We are White so we are responsible.

If you are a White person with a pulse, hopefully the recent succession of killings of Black people (including George Floyd, Ahmaud Marquez Arbery, Breonna Taylor) and the disproportionate number of Black people dying from Covid-19), have you examining your privilege and purpose.

And while the current state of America continues to be a dumpster fire on seemingly every front, we must focus. We must address racism head-on as it intersects or worsens all other social justice issues and because Black people are dying.

White Jewish Americans think we can identify with Black Americans, but our experience is NOT the Black American experience.

“American Jews were able to rapidly move up into middle-class while African Americans come from a legacy of white supremacy and slavery.”–Mark Dollinger

It might be hard for White Jews, who are a minority, to understand and accept that we benefit from White Supremacy in America.

White Women must support Black Women in particular and amplify their stories and…



Emily O. Weltman
Equality Includes You

Emily Weltman, M. Ed., strategy consultant, social entrepreneur + coFLOWco founder is “Leading with Purpose–because the patriarchy isn’t going to fix Itself.”💫