Killing Children and the Unborn is Biblical

And other reasons for supporting Trump.

Ron Dawson
Equality Includes You


Church window depicting a stoning. Pixabay

So many Christians are against abortion and I frankly don’t understand why. The Bible has tons of verses that make killing children, or those who don’t believe the right way, not only acceptable, but mandated.

Abraham was told to kill Isaac. Nothing suggested to Abraham this was out of the ordinary, so we must assume that it was, like, a thing. Deuteronomy tells us that if your rambunctious and disobedient teen gets out of line, take him to the town to be stoned. God orders the Israelites to kill every man, woman, and child among the Amalekites. I gotta believe there were some pregnant women among that lot.

So many people who get pregnant out of wedlock are people who probably don’t even believe in God and/or are, you know, not like the rest of us (wink, wink). So why in the world would I care if they abort their fetuses. God probably wants it to happen. Think of it as Him saving you the trouble by ordering you to do it.

And frankly, I have no clue why we ever thought to get rid of slavery. The Bible makes it very clear how slave masters are to treat them. So why in the world would we get rid of slavery. If it’s good enough to have in God’s eyes, who are we to say otherwise. (How can we get a repeal of that pesky 13th amendment…



Ron Dawson
Equality Includes You

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