Palestine and Israel Necklaces Aren’t Peaceful

Our words and symbols matter.

Jeffrey Kass
Equality Includes You


Image: Shutterstock/Ai-Generated Image

I am sure if you follow Palestinian pages on Instagram or Facebook, or if you visit Etsy, you’ve seen advertisements for t-shirts with a Palestinian flag superimposed over a map of Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

Or the one where a watermelon, a symbol used by the Palestine movement, covers all of these lands.

pro-Palestinian t-shirt using watermelon
Screenshot Image — Advertisement on Etsy

Or you’ve seen Palestine necklaces featuring a “charm” in the shape of Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

Palestinian flag necklace covering all of Israel, the West Bank and Gaza
Screenshot Image of Etsy Advertisement

If you follow Israel-related pages, you likewise have seen the same necklaces advertised as Israel necklaces. A jeweler I know in Jerusalem actually sent me a WhatsApp message offering a special deal on these necklaces.

Ad for Israel necklace
Screenshot of Etsy Advertisement

What the Israeli and Palestine charms and shirts have in common is that they are…



Jeffrey Kass
Equality Includes You

A Medium Top Writer on Racism, Diversity, Education, History and Parenting | Speaker | Award-Winning Author | Latest Book: Black Batwoman V. White Jesus | Dad