QAnon Adds Yet Another Bogus Conspiracy Theory

Though the FBI brands QAnon as a domestic terrorism threat, Donald Trump obviously cares not about the dangers posed by this movement.

The Good Men Project
Equality Includes You


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By Warren Blumenfeld

When asked by a reporter during a White House briefing about the QAnon movement, Donald Trump appeared to court its support by replying that “I heard that these are people that love our country.” He asserted that he had not heard much about them, “other than I understand they like me very much” and “it is gaining in popularity.”

QAnon is an umbrella term for a movement that spreads conspiracy theories that top U.S. military officials recruited Donald Trump to run for the presidency to expose and vanquish the “deep state” tied to a cabal of Satanic worshiping pedophiles who operate a child sex trafficking ring, which ultimately kill and eat the children they abuse to extract a life-extending chemical found in youthful blood.

QAnon alleges this cabal includes high visibility powerful people such as Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton, Oprah Winfrey, Tom Hanks, Ellen DeGeneres, and George Soros, plus Pope Francis and the Dalai Lama among others who control the media and important politicians.



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