Rwanda 30 Years Later

A blueprint for peace.

Jeffrey Kass
Equality Includes You


Rwandan farm cottage set on the side of hill with Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda in the background

April 7, 1994. Rwanda, Africa.

Armed terrorist Hutus began the mass slaughter of Tutsis, and more moderate Hutu and Twa members.

The history leading up to the massacres is a familiar cycle among conflicts worldwide.

A Tutsi rebel group, the Rwandan Patriotic Front or RFP, had invaded Rwanda from its base in neighboring Uganda in 1990. After nearly three years of fighting for control of territory and power, the sides reached a peace agreement in 1993. But the agreement wasn’t based on the human component. Just how to distribute power.

Then on April 6, 1994, extremist Tutsis assassinated the peace agreement’s architect.

The very next day came the self-described “retaliation” by the Hutus. It’s the term always used by terrorists to justify their disgusting barbarism, though these extremist Hutus had planned their genocide long before. They used propaganda and media to brainwash so many into believing anyone who opposed them were evil.

Hutus across parts of Rwanda began killing their Tutsi neighbors in what can only be described as some of the worst brutality known to humankind.

Hutu gangs searched for Tutsis and others in homes, schools and churches, using machetes in many cases to chop people…



Jeffrey Kass
Equality Includes You

A Medium Top Writer on Racism, Diversity, Education, History and Parenting | Speaker | Award-Winning Author | Latest Book: Black Batwoman V. White Jesus | Dad