Scotland Has Delivered the Gold Standard in Domestic Violence Legislation

How criminalizing coercive control brings real hope of justice for victims.

Matilda Fairholm
Equality Includes You


Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

Yesterday I received my Law Society Journal, a monthly magazine distributed to my state’s 26,000 lawyers.

This month the focus is on violence against women and what reforms are needed in our criminal justice system in order to have a real effect on the numbers of lives lost (around 40 each year here in Australia), and the thousands of lives impacted and destroyed by this insidious, and largely unseen, abuse.

As a lawyer and a survivor, this is a subject about which I am passionate. I look forward to a day that the legal system that I have devoted my professional life to serving, adequately serves those whose lives are threatened by, or lost to, the devastating epidemic that is domestic violence.

Women like me.

My story

I am in my late forties, a successful lawyer with my own firm, a mother of a beautiful, unique adult son, a friend, daughter and sister. A lover of art and architecture, music and theater, books and knitting. A woman with a zest for life and a thirst for knowledge.



Matilda Fairholm
Equality Includes You

Writing to rescue others from the devastation of domestic abuse, and learning to live better.