Pareto Distribution of Equality in the Age of Tech Revolution

The search for humanity continues.

J. Rafid Siddiqui, PhD
Equality Includes You
4 min readApr 1, 2022


The life in nature is in a constant struggle for survival. The concept of equality is alien to most species, and yet it is a term humans use very often — at-least in social media rhetoric to get applause from certain audience. This humanistic notion of equality has originated and sustained despite our primitive origin and is perhaps fundamental to building communities and societies — the most distinguishing tool that humans have devised in comparison to all other animals.

Yet, we are still not sure what equality really is; is it the Equal Opportunity or Equal Outcomes? Proponent of both sides believe in the same premise that humans are fundamentally different due to a multitude of factors beyond one’s control however, they both reach drastically different conclusions. The Equal Opportunity group (EO) starts from the premise that humans possess inherently different capabilities and then would argue that if we only put everybody under a standard set of opportunities, we would be achieving equality. The Equity group (EQ) argues that equality can only be achieved by altering the differences in such a way that the individual differences are minimized. The EO group losses the argument because they contradict their own premise of individual differences and thereby provide no viable solution. The EQ group fails to account for the fact that there exist a range of differences which cannot be removed or subsided (e.g. physical traits, individual abilities and limitations etc.).

This brings these two groups at odds with one another, and an endless battle of words ensues which leads nowhere. This divide is perhaps also what causes to form opposite political polls and opinion tribalism.

Identity of an entity is the distinguishing set of features that sets the entity apart from other entities. In this way, the differences are indeed the identities and hence the emergence of so many identities. The various identity groups seek to attain equality and yet differentiate themselves with the rest of the identities.

The concept of identity is rooted in differentiation and is inherently in opposition to the notion of equality. The moment one identifies oneself with a label assigned to a set of common features, individual ceases to exist, it is the label that lives and the moment there exists more than one identity, the conception of equality disappears (at-least in the strictest sense of equality).

The moment one identifies oneself with a label assigned to a set of common features, individual ceases to exist, it is the label that lives and the moment there exists more than one identity, the conception of equality disappears

This is evident from the fragmented tribalism that is common in the identity groups (e.g. Rainbow letter soup) which are already at the fringes of society. The plight of an individual within these “communities” is akin to a primitive humanoid in the wilderness of Savannah. The intention of why these identity groups were formed is starkly different from what they have been able to achieve. Instead of improving the lives of individuals within these groups, all they have achieved is the promotion and celebration of the crafted label.

The strategy of creating equality by actively creating, promoting, and maintaining a set of identity groups has damaged the concept of equality more than anything else. This process has only benefited the groups and more specifically the already affluent within each identity group however, the condition of the underprivileged in each identity group has either remained unchanged or has become worse.

The strategy of creating equality by actively creating, promoting, and maintaining a set of identity groups has damaged the concept of equality more than anything else.

Technology has become an integral part of our lives. We are going through an era which is like the renaissance period and the industrial revolution. The centralized media has dissolved into decentralized sources of knowledge and experiences. With the advancement in AI and intelligent machines, we are entering a future where every aspect of our lives is going to be dependent on technology.

The shift from physical to digital and tangible to intangible is fundamental and would change the way we interact, work, and live our lives. This means our definitions of differences would have to be revised. The very thing which is the bone of contention for the EO and EQ group and which is the primary thing that stands in the way of equality.

Maybe it is time we start treating people as individuals with different set of features and abilities and not the walking group of traits with a label. It is unclear which way future shall unfold but one thing is clear, concept of equality only works when its fruits reach at the level of the individual.



J. Rafid Siddiqui, PhD
Equality Includes You

AI Research Scientist, Educator, and Innovator.Writes about Deep learning, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, AI, & Philosophy.