The Human Salary

Being in your Society.

Teresa D Hawkes, Ph.D.
Equality Includes You
3 min readApr 19, 2024


Pexels Rich Men Screenshot 4 19 24.

A flat salary for all humans has been proposed by Musk, among others who have speculated on the fairest way to distribute the wealth that all of us create together.

In the USA, we could repurpose Social Security payments to that purpose, as well as those for Medicare and Medicaid. We would need a different pile of money for these purposes, but that money is there in the…



Teresa D Hawkes, Ph.D.
Equality Includes You

We all matter! Code: ALL. A Warren Democrat. A scientist. A poet. A mother. LOVES Bader Ginsburg. Loves McCartney. Is old.Is white.Is LGBTQ.She/her/me.Is woman.