“The Powers That Be” are Takers, Not Givers.

Why today is just another day the patriarchy takes without consent.

Emily O. Weltman
Equality Includes You


Tim Mossholder artwork

I’m a giver.

Giving Tuesday, after cyber Monday, became a holiday to assuage our guilt and gluttony. It’s a great day to feel better by giving to those in need after shopping, a week in sweats, and way too much food. Note: I’ve been trying to curb my consumption but the Jewish calendar had other plans.

Being generous fills my bucket. Watching my kids open Chanukah gifts, I admittedly love hearing “mom is the best gift giver ever.” I give not out of guilt or obligation. I love seeing others shine and the “you get me, you see me” smile.

I come by giving honestly. It’s my enneagram (2’s, we’re givers) and my sign (Virgos, we know stuff). I am an INFJ (The Advocate). I give. I work. I give work-answers, and advocate for others.

It’s in my goddamn name. Emily — hardworking, industrious. Weltman — Man of the World. I am a hardworking humanist — which actually sums up social entrepreneurship perfectly.

As a giver, entrepreneur, and parent, I always feel behind. It was exacerbated by an unpaid “break” last week, then putting family first today. It was not my plan to take my kid from school to get his 2nd shot, then back to school…



Emily O. Weltman
Equality Includes You

Emily Weltman, M. Ed., strategy consultant, social entrepreneur + coFLOWco founder is “Leading with Purpose–because the patriarchy isn’t going to fix Itself.”💫