The Problem with the “Don’t Say Gay Bill”

As usual, the devil is in the details.

Ron Dawson
Equality Includes You


Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

Florida. Florida. Florida. <Sigh> What is it about this state? You’d think a state that has one of “the happiest places on earth” wouldn’t be so good at causing such strife. In fact, all I had to do was post this vague post on my Facebook wall to initiate one of the most heated discussions I’ve seen on my feed for a while.

Florida Facebook post

I feel like at any given year, a person will come across this post and have any number of provocative issues to discuss (COVID treatment, CRT education, white supremacist rallies, etc.)

As of this particular writing, in this particular year, the latest and greatest is Florida’s now infamous “The Parental Rights in Education” bill—or as it has become to affectionately be known as (or not-so-affectionately, depending on who you ask), the “Don’t Say Gay” bill.

I read the bill

Before the “haters” get started, yes, I read the 7-page bill (it’s actually more like 6.5 pages). And if I’m being honest, most of the bill is reasonable, and as a loving parent who once had a kindergartner, I would co-sign a lot of what’s in…



Ron Dawson
Equality Includes You

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