The Rise of the Lone Wolf: Understanding the Trend of Men Going Solo

Most men like to think of themselves as not needing support or help.

The Good Men Project
Equality Includes You


Photo credit: iStock

By Alex Terranova

Over the years, I have watched my father work alone. As the stand-in contractor for my childhood home, he put up drywall, did plumbing jobs, fixed electrical, and completed other home projects. At the same time, he was and has been a successful entrepreneur, hustling and grinding to succeed to varying degrees without much support or help. He rarely goes to a doctor or therapy; unless it’s an emergency, he never seeks help with personal issues such as his diet or exercise. For the 42 years I have known him, he embodies traditional masculinity, a “man’s man” who, as a child of the 40s and growing up poor, learned to be tough, not complain, and live the value of hard work and discipline.

I am proud of my father for teaching me the value of hard work, discipline, commitment, and getting things done. However, I have also learned that his life seems much more difficult than it needs to be. He often does things himself when he can get support, which leads to frustration, delays, and sometimes worse results. He is frequently tired, angry, and frustrated due to challenges and difficulties. His health has suffered due to his unwillingness to seek advice from…



The Good Men Project
Equality Includes You

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