The Tulsa Race Massacre, CRT, and the White Man’s Burden

There’s a growing movement to try to pass Critical Race Theory off as “racist propaganda”.

Ron Dawson
Equality Includes You


Scene from HBO’s “The Watchmen.” © 2019 HBO

Imagine if you will, a maximum-security prison built in Germany that was the largest of its kind in the country. Imagine if that prison was made up of predominantly Jewish men, where German officers in uniforms patrolled them like cowboys overseeing cattle. And imagine if said prison was built upon the site of an old concentration camp.

I don’t think it’s too far of a stretch to say the international community would be livid. And rightfully so. I’m confident that there would be protests surrounding that god-awful place night and day, and calls from human rights activists to have the prisoners moved and the site abolished.

Well, right here in America, we have the Louisiana State Penitentiary, more commonly known as Angola Prison (aka “The Farm” aka “The Alcatraz of the South.”) It is the largest maximum-security prison in the country, currently with over 6,000 inmates, 1,800 staff members, and covering 18,000 acres. It is built on and named after The Angola Plantations (which itself was named after the African country from which most of its slaves originated.) Today, black prisoners work the farmland at the prison, while white over-seers on horseback…



Ron Dawson
Equality Includes You

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